Meditation, Practices, or Spreads for Depression


Wondering if anyone had anything for me to use. There are several causes for my depression, and whenever I think I'm over it it hits harder than before. Just looking around for spreads to help me get a more introspective look into the causes (I have done the hidden sorrows spread once, may try it again) or if there were any cards you meditate on to help you over it.

It could include drugs, bad relationships, family issues, or death of a friend. Those tend to be the things I keep getting caught up in the most.

Anything you could do to help would be appreciated.

Much thanks.


I, too, suffer from depression.

Cards that help me include (but are not limited to) ...

- Strength, for the courage to face and deal with whatever my current issues are.
- Empress for her growthful energy and for comfort.

I don't know about spreads for this, but I like to "go into" these powerful cards and pretend to be them, or have a conversation with them. If I feel that I don't deserve their support, I imagine that whatever's happening for me is happening to a loved one, and let these images support me in the loving manner that I would to my loved one.

I also find that antidespressants help me. I was very resistant to the idea that depression could have a physical cause (partial or total) until I went on antidepressants. I felt so much more like myself. To be clear, though, not all of them work for all people. I've just halved my dose of one that caused increased appetite and weight gain for me. And now that I'm on a lower dose I actually feel better, more motivated, and more creative. Something you can consider discussing with a doctor.

Hugs to you, and best of luck!!!


GryffinSong said:
I also find that antidespressants help me. I was very resistant to the idea that depression could have a physical cause (partial or total) until I went on antidepressants. I felt so much more like myself. To be clear, though, not all of them work for all people. I've just halved my dose of one that caused increased appetite and weight gain for me. And now that I'm on a lower dose I actually feel better, more motivated, and more creative. Something you can consider discussing with a doctor.

Hugs to you, and best of luck!!!

I have a major fear of doctors and of drugs. Doctors just creep me out, no idea why. But my apprehension towards drug stem from bad experiences. My family has a history of drug dependancies (and of bipolar-ness and depression now that I think on it.) That and it would include seeing a doctor. Thankfully though, now that I'm 18 I don't believe I'd need parental consent. That would be absolute hell to say the least. I'd also be paranoid about my brother stealing the pills.

I think I'm rambling. Interesting you chose the strength card, because 8 (being the number of strength in general) is actually my birth number. :D
Much thanks Gryff, I'll prolly look into the strength card a bit for general meditations.


I just made this spread up on the spot. I hope it might help you with your depression. I'll be testing it out soon, as I'm experiencing depression right now as well :) Remember that you're never alone!

The D(epression) Spread


1 - 3: External causes of the depression
4 - 5: Solution for #1 - 3
6 - 8: Internal causes of the depression
9 - 10: Solution for #6 - 8
11: Helper card or what you should know about yourself
12: How things will look ____ month(s) from now


Let me know what you think about this spread!


Not anywhere that I can try it out but after my tests tomorrow I will. I might just change some if the placement cause I found it a bit hard to follow at first. Thanks, Linh!


KMilliron said:
Wondering if anyone had anything for me to use. There are several causes for my depression, and whenever I think I'm over it it hits harder than before. Just looking around for spreads to help me get a more introspective look into the causes (I have done the hidden sorrows spread once, may try it again) or if there were any cards you meditate on to help you over it.

It could include drugs, bad relationships, family issues, or death of a friend. Those tend to be the things I keep getting caught up in the most.

Anything you could do to help would be appreciated.

Much thanks.

Hey KMilliron:)
I also suffer from depression. A spread that really helped me was one that GlassOwl posted not too long ago, called the Healing Spread by Leigh-Ann Andersen. Here's the link to the thread.

I know for me personally my depression often comes from things that have happened to me in the past. Sometimes I don't even realize the things that have had such a big impact on me. This spread is a nice way to not only kind of "reveal them" to yourself, but also how to try and heal from them. I hope that helps!

Best of luck to you. Just remember that no matter how dark things get, there is always a hidden light, and you can always find healing. :)