Meditation Spread


I've been getting pretty advanced with my meditation. I can hold a meditative state longer and travel places that have been very mind opening. But I have been having trouble interpreting all the images and feelings I experience when I come out of a meditative state. So I made this spread to help me. I hope it is of some use to others. I feel like this would also be a good spread for those just beginning to try meditation. I’ve included a link to my reading and what I saw in my meditation from the “my readings” section on here. Hopefully this will give you an idea on how I intended this spread to be used.

Meditation Spread
1.) What did the images mean during my meditative state?
2.) How does this pertain to my waking life?
3.) What did the feelings mean I experienced during my meditative state?
4.) How does this pertain to my waking life?
5.) What did the colors mean from my meditative state?
6.) How does this pertain to my waking life?
7.) What did the smells mean from my meditative state?
8.) How does it pertain to my waking life?
9,10,11.) What was the overall message?