insight to the spiritual world(part 2)


Hey folks...
How are you?...Hope you?re all fine!!!, I?d like to discuss about prejudice, and the fight against it...and, to do so, I?ll base this starting post on the following movies:
"Bicentenial Man"
"Remember the Titans"

Mankind has been facing prejudice since the beginning of times...and we still have to deal with it...and my question is:
Will we ever be able to end prejudice, in the world?...Where does prejudice come from?Does it come from fear of the other?From a feeling of low self-steem?...Who knows...

In "Gattaca" and "Bicentenial Man", we see a futurist version of prejudice...of course, prejudice may not exist that way in the future, but these movies make us think...Are men always gonna come up with some sort of prejudice?...Why do we always plant the seed of some kind of negativism in the world?...I know there are also a lot of good people, but, know...

Well...then, in "Remember the Titans", we notice the fight of some against the prejudice...we see friendship, courage, dignity, endurance, love, kindness...and, also, anger and other bad feelings...
Yeah...this is a difficult subject...and, then, I sometimes think...Was prejudice created by some kind of "God"(if any exist), to test our capacity to do good towards others, our strength, our courage to help, etc...etc...? Is prejudice any kind of self-protection instinct within the souls of less enlightened ones?

So...How about you? Are you prejudiced? Do you have prejudice of any kind?


When I first became Pagan, I held alot of resentment towards Christianity and the Church. But I grew out of it. I guess its just apahse most people gothrough when they change their religion drastically.

Now, however, I can't think of any preudices that I have, and I always try to keep an open mind and heart. Whatever somebody is on the outside, or what they choose to do, really isn't much of my business, so I think for me to judge them would be wrong. I dont think we can judge somebody properly without knowing who they are aswell as what they are.... I leave my judgement until then.



I voted that I have no prejudice , because I really didn't know how else to vote. However, I think that almost everyone does have prejudice about others of one sort or another, if they are really , really honest about it. Or maybe not exactly prejudice , but ideas about people of other cultures, races , economic status, or even looks or weight. I think that everyone believes there is someone they are better than . If not , we'd all have reached that perfect enlightenment of perfectly enlightened beings!
I think I Have seen "Gattica" , but not the other 2 movies. Isn't that the movie where this guy in the future wants a certain job , I think? Maybe pilot or astronaut? BUT to qualify for the job his body has to be a certain height? And maybe he also has to have a certain vision or eye color and blood? So he actually has an operation to have his legs broken and made the correct height? Also his corneas and /or fingerprints changed? Is this the same movie or am I way off? It was years ago that I think I saw it. Ramses?


I votedno predujuice, but I guess I have a slight one. People who are employed to talk in a public service capacity (in my case, Wal Marts charge card collection company) the speak in heavy, ununderstandable foreign accents annoy me to no end. Im having aproblem with mycard(missing 100 bucks, my bank says they have it, they say they dont) and trying to explain this to them is impossible, and I cant understand what they are saying especially with 2 toddlers in the background. Finally we called customer service and that straightened things out a little, tho they are still searching for our money


I try very hard not to have predujices. I know I fail. But at least I try.