Mugwort tea


I recently ordered a bunch of random herbs online to make dream pillows for my friends and one for myself, and ended up with a lot of herbs left over. I have been actively trying to lucid dream and astral project for the past few months, so I thought maybe I'd make some tea with this mugwort since it's suppose to help with dream recall and OBE's.

Anyways, I've only had a couple of sips of my tea and I feel VERY strange. Almost like I am drunk and this buzzing inside my head... everything is kind of surreal. Is this dangerous to take in large doses and what kind of side effects should I expect? I also smoked before, but smoking does not make me feel like this.


Generally, mugwort is a safe herb to use... but you may be allergic to it. In any case, easy does it. Since you feel strange, I would not drink any more tonight, and see if that small amount does anything for your dreams. Also, since you have the dream pillow, just use that. :)

morticia monroe


Don't drink any more of it. Not even one sip. Especially with it coming on that fast.


Different people react to it in different ways. It could be an allergy to the herb (to test it, rub some of the pulverized dry herb on the inside of your wrist to see if you react). It could also be that you didn't have enough to eat to balance out the tea, or something that you did eat reacted with the tea, or you made the tea too strong for you.

A recipe that I have in an herb book calls for 1 teaspoon crushed mugwort, 1 teaspoon lemon verbena, and 1 teaspoon damiana for a pot of approximately 8 cups. A good rule of thumb for mugwort in teas, a little goes a LONG way.

Did you have any other odd reactions? Mugwort can make you a little swimmy-headed if you're not used to it. I hope that's all that you had.

ETA: Also, check to see about the company you bought the herbs from. I ordered some Valerian Root once from a supposedly reputable company that had soaked the herb in formaldahyde (sp?). I was feeling pretty weird from that one.



i believe herbs work on more than one level... on the physical plane, as you ingest it, like a drug...

on the pre-cognitive, and sensual plane, this is hit more strongly by SMELL

and on the etheric plane... by the "spirit" of the plant

i think you need a) A MUCH SMALLER DOSE
i like to use 1/2 teaspoon to 3/4 teaspoon, mixed with 1 teaspoon peppermint and 1 teaspoon ground licorice root and 3/4 teaspoon chamomile flowers

and also the active ingredient in mugwort is the same as ABSINTHE so many of the same qualities apply

and YES it is toxic especially in large quantities or if you have a liver or kidney problem

so read up on absinthe and keep in mind this is its gentler twin, k?

good luck


p.s. i would also recommend grounding yourself and "greeting" the herb, since it is psychoactive and spiritually active.