My Blue Moon Reading (very long)


In a thread about the Blue Moon deck, Marion and I came up with a Blue Moon spread to do on the night of the Blue Moon. This deck is amazing which does not surprise me. I love the Ancestal Path as well. The pictures hold a wealth of information. Here is my reading. Feel free to comment or add your own interpretations. I would love to hear them.


Blue Moon Reading with the Blue Moon deck.


1.Positive emotional attachments - The Star
2.Negative emotional attachments - The World
3.How my positive attachments are affecting me - Justice
4.How my negative attachments are affecting me - Death
5.How to break free of the negative attachments - Judgement
6.How to take advantage of my positive attachments - The High Priestess
7.What I will gain from letting go of my negative attachments - The Chariot
8.What will embracing my positive attachments bring - Strength
9.My Shining Star - What gives me the strength to let go of what I no longer need - The Fool

1.Positive emotional attachments - The Star - Full Moon in Aquarius
I am attached to the Universe. I am completely aware of my Self being part of a bigger whole. This card shows a woman that represents my Higher Self standing on the shore of a lake. In the sky the North Star shines always guiding, but she can only see its reflection. It reminds me of the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians about Love. He writes, “for now I see in a window dimly, but then I shall see face to face.” In our life, the true picture is but a reflection of what really is. That is why we need to be in tune with our Higher Self. My Higher Self stands with one foot in the lake and one in a little pool that the high tide left behind on the shore. I am that little pool, yet I am very aware of belonging to the lake or the Universe. My Higher Self pours and unending supply of water into both the pool and the lake linking us both. One day the tide will rise again and take me home.

2.Negative emotional attachments - The World - The Central Card
I feel the strong desire to understand where we all come from. There is a desire in me to understand how we all began. This card shows the pregnant Goddess floating on the surface of the World. How did this all begin? Why? How does it work? I want to just dive right in and discover it all right now. Perhaps I don’t need to know all of this right now. This quest for knowledge keeps me from being in service to others.

3.How my positive attachments are affecting me - Justice- Full Moon in Libra
My strong feelings of being at one with the Universe are what makes my entire life make sense. This card shows the Egyptian Goddess Maat measuring the souls of man against a feather. Because of my connection to my Higher Self and the Universe, my intentions are always pure and loving. Life is so simple. You laugh when you realize how simple it all is. It all comes down to love.

4.How my negative attachments are affecting me- Death - Full Moon in Taurus
The woman in this card appears to be going on a Shamanic journey. This reminds me of my need to slow down and go on my own journeys inward. The answers are inward, not in a book. Sometimes I get so caught up in learning and forget to live what I have learned. I will read up on everything I can get my hands on in order to get answers. So I need to take the time to shut off my brain and allow myself to let go of my need to understand. It is during these times when the greatest revelations are made.

5.How to break free of the negative attachments - Judgement - Halloween
When I first looked at this card, my interpretation was creative expression. There is an image of a pregnant belly and breasts in the foreground. Inside the womb there is a gorgeous sculpture. Waiting to be born. I need to create using what I know already. I need to let go of the mental burden of needing to know. I must find the patience to let things come in their own time. I need to trust my creative abilities. Knowledge is experience, not words on a page.

6.How to take advantage of my positive attachments - The High Priestess Full Moon in Virgo -
The Dreaming Goddess. My strong attachment to my Higher Self and the wisdom of the Universe allow me to trust my inner voice. I can tune in to the guidance they send and trust it enough to follow it. I will learn from looking within. When I saw the Dreaming Goddess on this card I thought of how we learn so much from our dreams. So often when I go to bed at night, I say before I go to sleep, “I need an answer to this or that” and ask to receive it in my dreams.

7.What I will gain from letting go of my negative attachments - The Chariot - Full Moon in Leo
Focus and insight is what I will gain. It seems that by letting go of the need to know, I will be gaining the very thing I was searching for. The Sphinx is in the perfect position to see the rising of the sun and the moon. It sits and waits knowing every day the sun and moon will come. It also trusts that what it needs will come. The suns and the moons seem to create a bridge over the river. I will find my way. I will know my purpose if I just stop and observe.

8.What will embracing my positive attachments bring - Strength - Full Moon in Gemini
My knowledge and deep connection to the Universe give me the strength and courage to accept life’s obstacles. I can surrender to life’s difficult times with the confidence that what does not kill me will make me stronger. There I am slowly lifting the veil that covers the clear daytime sky. The sun is rising over the lake as I sit by my tidal pool waiting for the next path in life to be revealed.

9.My Shining Star - What gives me the strength to let go of what I no longer need - The Fool - The Vernal Equinox
The promise of a new beginning. The Vernal Equinox is Spring. A time of hope and new life. As a former Christian, Spring reminds me of Christ’s death and resurrection. A promise of eternal life. It is never the end. Whatever we don’t finish, whatever we don’t discover, we will have time for later. When we let go of what we no longer need it makes room for new and beautiful things to take their place. The fool takes nothing put his colorful shawl. The color’s are his. He has created it. His loyal dogs will guide him along his path and never desert him. Knowing this eases the burden that life can bring if we think in finite terms. Just remember it is never goodbye, there is no such thing as the last chance. We keep going until our colorful quilt is complete.