Need help with a couple of spreads


I recently did a couple spreads today to figure out a situation that is happening at work and what should I do.
The first spread that I did was the Spirit Spread, and I got.(1) Representing Spirit- The Magician (2) Why they are with you right now - 7 of Cups (3) What they want you to know-King of Wands Rx (4) Actions you can take - Princess of Pentacles Rx (5) Summary - 8 of Wands Rx

Then just now I did the Guardian Angel Spread and got (1) What's in your mind - 7 of Cups (2) What's in Your Spiritual World - The Magician (3) What's in your heart - Princess of Pentacles Rx (4) What's in your physical world? - King of Wands RX (5) Message from guardian angel - 8 of Wands Rx

Has anyone did spreads like that and get the same cards? I never have, so it freaked me out. Any opinion would be helpful. Thanks!