"Nested" Tarot and Oracle Readings


In keeping with the "learning forum" concept, I've been looking into when it's OK to append tarot and oracle readings to threads that start out with a Lenormand reading. This falls under the heading of "mixed readings," although technically a mixed reading is one that has cards of more than one type in it. Past discussions have reached the conclusion that it's alright to append a non-Lenormand reading to a thread if the purpose is to clarify the original Lenormand reading.

The situation gets a bit cloudy in exchange threads, where subsequent readings are typically on a different topic entirely. Offering an unrelated tarot or oracle reading in return for a Lenormand reading would seem to contradict the forum posting rules which I've excerpted from Glass Owl's original:

"What type of readings are allowed here?

Readings using Lenormand cards are posted here. If your Lenormand reading includes Tarot, other Oracle decks, or non-card divination systems that is okay.

If your reading does not include Lenormand cards it needs to be posted elsewhere. Non-card-based system readings (Runes for example) belong in Divination, Tarot readings go into Your Readings, and Oracle deck reading should be posted in Oracle Readings."

However, if there has been accepted precedent to the contrary, I have no problem continuing that way. Until I get a better fix on what that precedent may have been, keep on with any threads of this type that are in progress.