new moon at 9 pisces tomorrow


what can this mean for me if its exactly going to be conjunct my descendant
is it good news? i hope so
i notice it will be conjunct uranus as well which is at 10 pisces now
some sort of radical u turn sudden endings or beginnings or surprises come to mind in regards to relationships
time to blow some cobwebs away maybe?
fingers crossed


With teh sun eclipsing Uranus, and in turn the moon eclipsing a part of the suns energy, it will actually have been a very low energy day, but a good time for deep thought, introspective dreams, psychic energy projection, and anything that takes more than 5 seconds to set up. Now that the moon is leaving pisces, and the sun moving away from Uranus, we will see the energies that have been absent lately re-emerge with new light. Your decendent may just make it an upward swing more than most, but avoid getting too delusional.

edited to add:

I was looking for asteroid information on phaethon, went to NASA space and sciences webpages, and found this. I have to wonder about Taurus/Cancer situations right now, how much impact there has been.