No That's Not What I'm Asking!


Do any of you have problems with a deck that just doesn't cooperate!?

Seriously though... Has anyone ever encountered a time hen they've asked a specific question of the deck and 'the deck' decides to respond to a different topic altogether. It might have been a question you asked bout earlier but are no longer focused on now. What to do?


Could it be one of those times where the cards that turn up are just very confusing and *seem* to make no sense in response to your question, until you've thoroughly racked your brain and finally get that AHA! moment?


This can be approached in a couple of ways. First there may be something of more importance coming up that the cards are directing you towards so perhaps it's an idea to keep an open mind and read what they say and see how that ties in with other things going on in your life.

Second, the cards I've struggled with the most have been the most important to me. So sometimes asking, reading and more importantly living and experiencing help me work out the message.


Thanks to both of you for responding. I see the thread was moved to Talking Tarot.

Okay, that makes sense. :)

Well, I was thinking the deck may have been saying, "you want to talk about this.... But we really need to talk about this.... We're not done talking about it yet! "

My question was about how selling my house was going to go (real estate), but the response was definitely related to a previous relationship question I had because much if the cards were similar to previous readings on the subject. Perhaps it was a result of the cards not being properly shuffled...

Could it be one of those times where the cards that turn up are just very confusing and *seem* to make no sense in response to your question, until you've thoroughly racked your brain and finally get that AHA! moment?

It could also be that I just wasn't too good at reading the cards as tiggy suggested. Sometimes it's better to try later maybe? Or more closely examine the cards? I try to do this, but yesterday I just didn't have the time. I wanted a quick, straightforward response. Maybe I should have just put down one card. Maybe I'll try that. Question: What's the most important thing I need to know about this transaction? Thanks for helping me think though this tiggy.

I really wanted to know about the response -- it requires immediate attention. I used a Celtic Cross -- perhaps I should use a different spread. Could that be the problem ?

I guess I'll look for a real estate spread. Does anyone know of a good one? I trying to figure out how the sale of my house will go? There's another competitor - another similar house for sale around the corner. I'm trying to figure out what will be the outcome.


This can be approached in a couple of ways. First there may be something of more importance coming up that the cards are directing you towards so perhaps it's an idea to keep an open mind and read what they say and see how that ties in with other things going on in your life.

Second, the cards I've struggled with the most have been the most important to me. So sometimes asking, reading and more importantly living and experiencing help me work out the message.

Both these points are well taken. I agree. As I'm gaining more experience -- I can see more card pointing to me. I thought I was the one posing the questions, now I'm starting to think it's the other way around.

Open minded approach. Yes. I'm sometimes challenged with that one... I tend to be direct in many cases.

I've been struggling with a lot of things recently. Competing interests. Things competing for my time, emotional energy and mind. Living and experiencing right now would probably be a good idea for me. I think it's time to put away the cards, for now.

Thanks for the great advice :)