Oracles Weekly Focus: July 26th


Back from vacation...time for some more in depth playing around with oracle cards...!!!!

Here's what I'm thinking.....I have several small journals that I started with individual decks...I have two from the Faerie's with thoughts etc and the other with spread ideas etc....then I have one for the Mexican Loteria Cards and another one for the Answer is Simple deck....a maybe a few am a journal fiend...BUT most of them are tossed here and there...forgotten in the busy-ness of life....I don't want to toss them..I want to work on them more...but in the meantime...

This weeks focus is to take a look through the old journals....consider writing in the ones that "fit" my oracle study...of the moment (Mexican Loteria journal)....

AND HERE IS THE BIGGIE....PURCHASE a LARGE JOURNAL....the ones I have are all 5 x 7ish...I want a LARGE ONE.....and this will become my personal...thoughts and reflections spot...the other journals tend to be deck specific...and included thoughts about individual cards etc...valueable....BUT not what I want right now....I want ONE spot to record personal reflections, thoughts, ideas for activities, questions, etc...about oracles in general or there may be some entries about specific decks...but the point is it will all be in ONE place...

If you have journals...this is THE gather them up and spend some time re-reading what you wrote....perhaps adding a few entries....or consider getting a new journal (if needed)....WRITING is the pathway to the soul....and I find it doubles my intuitive energy and when writing.... new and exciting possiblities present themselves...and do not be critical....this writing is for YOU and YOU ALONE!!! So no need to get it fact perfect is not right at hinders the process....

So lets get started...gather, read, write, buy if need be...and let's take a step onto the pathway of deeper understanding...


Good idea, DragonFae :)
I have a big ringbinder as a Tarot and Oracle journal.
I started it 18 years ago. First I gathered deck reviews from the decks I had - ifff I could find any.... Also lots of readings done for people and personal thoughts about cards/ decks.
Then came the old site Tarot Passages! What a wealth of information in one place....
Now AT is my wellspring of information and the ringbinder's current incarnation is there to keep track of readings I do for my regular clients and coments and thoughts my sitters have about certain cards/ decks.....
I will have to update it from the last couple of weeks....
What a journey is in a journal!


Yes I have given this a lot of thought and perhaps a binder is the way to go (not sure why I didn't just do that in the first place because I use notebooks for a lot of my other stuff).

I have been looking through the journals I have started there's four or five...and as I said the sizes don't work very well and its hard to add stuff I print or if I mess up a page...tearing it out is a hassle....I will keep the journals I have started of course but I planning on setting up two notebooks.

I made the final decision today because I was looking for "printable" journal pages and found some very nice tarot ones on line....many of you may already know of them but I'll come back later and post the links...I don't have them with me right this sec...

There is one that is an individual card sheet....with some prompts etc....I think these sheets will be good for deck for each card...

Then another site had a sheet for the daily draw card....I actually have a couple different ones of I can use different ones...they ask slightly different info is two pages long and I may not have that much time daily...So I'll just use the one that feels right that day...
Then there is another that is combined ...A place for a Weekly card to draw on Sunday evening....for the coming week...and then spots for a daily can see the flow of the cards for the week and how they might fit with the weekly card...There is even one for a three card reading and it allows you to write about the reading etc...

So I am planning two notebooks:

ONE: A Deck Study notebook with a different section for each deck....and then filed behind it the card pages for jotting notes about the cards as I study and reflect on them...

TWO: A Readings and Spread Notebook with sections for daily draws, three card draws etc...and then also a section for spreads etc...I have basically picked a fews spreads I like and use then as signature spreads but I still like to look and experiment with others.

If anyone is interested...I'll get the links up...either LATE tonight or tomorrow.


Brilliant idea, Dragonfae! I've bookmarked the page. Thank you :)

oaks xx