Page of Pentacles Page of Swords World????


the world in these last 3 cards in a larger spread has me confused as to how to pull the overall spread together. the deck was RW, no reversals in the entire spread. the question was:

How does he feel about having chosen her as a life/marriage partner, now?

last 3 cards ( which i cannot in the WORLD the world fits,

page of pentacles page of swords world

i get the overall feeling of he senses ALOT of immaturity with her. ( two pages) immature ways regarding the physical and material world, and immaturity in communication. but, there is a sense of completion, ( world). OR, its the end of the cycle for her, (world) and he feels she will never mature? please help. this is just one card (world) that has me confused, please help


"You and me against the world..."

Do they have children?


It's a great big world out there and being young at heart is a good way to be open to the things it offers. Perhaps she's passionate about it but is grounded just enough to be realistic. Also, the page of swords indicates that she may be thinking and is shy about offering those thoughts up.


violetdaisy: it is a big world out there, but she is are not young; late middle aged. but, young at heart may hold water. interesting take on page of swords, I always saw this a immaturity in communication. so, perhaps. thank you for participating!

lefou: yes, they have children . but, they are grown and have kids of their own.
* you and me against the world.* not sure about this, looking at the overall read.
but, interesting ...thanks for adding on!