Page/Pentacles as feelings


How do you interpret Page/Pentacles as feelings?

I see it as someone analysing, assessing their feelings. Perhaps they trying to be practical in their analysis. It also demonstrates feelings that are solid and slowly developing.

Why are your thoughts on this card for this question?


this is a very off the cuff interp of mine, but I think that you cannot speak of feelings if it is a new dating prospect. This card makes me think of somebody that 'likes' you and would like to spend more time together doing things, see where it goes.

If we talking a well established relationship, I will see it more of lacking some excitement. A tad 'mundane' and the need for fun (think about what the other pages offer, wands or cups, for example) to be re-introduced.

Hope this helps you a little in obtaining what this card may be telling you... A :heart: