

It can be argued that learning Tarot, Astrology or other systems can lead the reader of these systems to better observe patterns.

Clearly, this takes a method of thought which is not commonly taught in schools, as it relates the person to observing one thing to find meaning in a second thing which may not be directly related, such as a Tarot Spread and Lfie.

Now, the thing with patterns, is they repeat by definition. Thus I pose an interesting question - by identifying a pattern and understanding what it is - we can change it, however, without getting into Foretelling events, I am curious about what people think of using a established pattern similar to that of a VCR or DVD and looking into the pattern in a forward or backward motion to gain insight into those areas.

It's been my observation that this works to some degree, particularly when working with year cards for people. You can tell for example the theme for the current year. Thus it should also be possible to figure out the theme for any year past or forthcoming. In this exercise I have found the previous influences typically line up once you have the starting point established.

Has anyone used patterns for similar exercises (such as Astrology Progressions) and if so what do you think of them?



Hmmm, unfortunately i believe your analogy is too mechanical. Life “patterns” are surely too complex and variable for such speculation. At least I hope so. :)
Verdi .