


I recently purchased my first Pentagram necklace and at first some of my 'old preconceived brainwashed concepts' from my Christian past reared it's ugly head in that It played on my mind that I was now wearing a satanic symbol around my neck! Not that it's anything to do with Satan, but my mind does wonder off to the past at times....

Anyway, I found out some stuff on the pentagram that i would like to share, apart from it being a symbol of protection, life and health it represents the four elements of air, water, earth and fire with the spirit ruling over these when the point is facing the right way. Inverted it means matter rules the spirit, thus how supposedly Satanists use as their symbol. The pentagram also represents the 5 senses or states of consciousness, as well as the human being as the microcosm of the universe. it's had many names over the centuries: Pentalpha, The Endless Knot, The Star Of Knowledge, The Pentacle Of The Templars. In the middle ages the church twisted it's meaning into the Witches Font, Goblins Cross, Wizards Star, Druids Foot and Devils Sign!

It's similiar to the swastica, which before Hitler turned it into an evil symbol, was a sign of wholeness. Makes you wonder how many good things and symbols and all have been perverted by the church and man.

blessed be


Another beauiful take on it is that it represents the 5 elements, surrounded by the all-encompassing arms ofthe Goddess (The circle around the star)



hey musicman,

I got my first pentacle necklace not too long ago -- for Christmas, from my parents. :) they are very open-minded, although they weren't sure what it stood for, they knew it had something to do with tarotcards. :)

.... I wear it almost everyday (except when I leave it at my boyfriends house, or just forget to put it on) .... it's very rare that I decide not to wear it because of others... although sometimes, I don't put it on, if I get a vibe that it will freak someone out that day... I dunno... weird.

anyway, I've come to realize that nobody pays much attention anyway, and those who do either don't say anything, or think it's the star of david.

Thanks for the additional meanings for this symbol -- I've grown more and more attached to it over the months -- and it's grown from simply representing protection and the material realm (corresponding from the pentacles in tarot) to a sign of my recognition of the Goddess and our EarthMother.... it's meaning has deepened for me, the more I read and learn...

so, do you guys ever get strange reactions to your pentacle jewlerly? or, how do you feel about your pentacles?


For a time it was used as a Christian symbol to represent the 5 wounds of Christ, some Cathedrals have pentacle windows and carvings


Quote:Originally posted by joya250
so, do you guys ever get strange reactions to your pentacle jewlerly? or, how do you feel about your pentacles?

My boyf's Mum thought I was Jewish for ages, cuz she saw my pentagram as a Star Of David, and I don't like eating pork! My boyf had to explain to her that I was actually Pagan.

I wear a pentagram every day, and haven't really had any problems with it. I have had one person who told me they didn't like it, but that's it. Mostly, its seen as a Star Of David!

I suppose its also kinda like a calling-card for other Pagans. They see you wearing a Pentagram, and think 'Ah, one of us!'



A shopkeeper in my town was wearing one, and since she sold norse and celtic jewellry, and general tacky gifts, i asked...but no, its only decoration...i don't think she even realised it could be anything symbolic...*sigh*...people are so uneducated...;)