Phillis Curott


How about her?
Do you know or read anything?

I have bought the book, inspired by the name: maybe it's my latest worthless expense! :)
In Italian it is "The Path of the Goddess", but the original one was "Book of Shadows - A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess".

I'm happy we're getting Pagan & Wicca books transated!


Pollus, I read the book a few months ago. I enjoyed it, I hope it doesn't lose anything in the translation! If I remember, there were even a few spells in the back.


Sorry, I meant Pollu 'X' -not 'S'


Well, there are spells inside. And her invocations.
Mama read it before I did (I'll have exams soon! Pray for me! :( ) and her skepticism was overcome by "a very feminist reading", as she said.
It was something of a relief, to have here a bit closer to my positions.