Phrasing Questions


I see some pretty specific questions, here and elsewhere - a lot of "How does s/he feel about me?" types, looking for particular answers rather than guidance. For those who read regularly, how do you handle these? Do you try to answer using the Tarot? Do you try an Oracle/Lenormand deck?

Under what circumstances do you encourage a querent to rephrase the question? And what kind of encouragement do you use in order to keep them from feeling discouraged?


You need to make your own rules. I do not allow yes/no or third party questions. I tell them up front. I find most people have a yes/no question, I do work with them to come up with an acceptable question. The question is the most important part of the reading. I make them write it down. I can't tell you how many times questions change after the cards are drawn.

I only use tarot and playing card decks for readings. I let the client choose from my decks which one I will use. ( a lot of my clients have "their" deck).

This is your business, you make the rules. Everyone has their own question rules and regiments when reading.


I read on just about anything, anytime. If the question is something I really don't think will work for the cards as the sitter states it, I may alter it a little bit or will use something else like Lenormand or the Tea Leaf Oracle to see if it can add anything.

As others have said--it's your deck so you decide what you want to do with it. Try everything. You never know what will develop into your favorite way of doing things. You may find that something you didn't want to try at all turns out to be a great tool or great way of doing things after all.

The most common thing that happens is that once the cards have answered the question, people will throw in yet another question. I may draw a couple or more cards extra if I don't see the answer in the original draw.

As for yes/no questions, they can be done but you just have to deduct what the cards are saying is the most likely outcome. Or you can do a "what if I do, what if I don't?" spread, drawing three cards for each position and then the sitter can decide which option they feel is best for them to take and what they can expect if they do.


I wish specific questions were the problem for me. I have a hard time getting them to ask a question at all. In my experience, most people just want a 'general reading' the first couple times (and I think they usually do have a question but don't feel comfortable articulating it). I try to let them know that vague questions get vague answers, and if I get a chance to read for them a few times they do get better with the questions.


Thank you all for your feedback! This is really perfect - I wanted to find out more about different encounters/perceptions of the issue, and the ways unique readers customize around it. Much appreciated!


when someone asks how someone feels about them? you can turn the question back to them if you feel uncomfortable reading for that. You could do "what are the chances of a romantic relationship between us?" or "what do I need to know about X and me?" that puts it back to the sitter!

I am okay for 3rd party readings if they are the feelings or thoughts about the sitter. However I won't do "what do I need to know about his feelings for his girlfriend / wife?" It has to connect back to the person I am reading for.


I don't see "how does he feel about me" as a specific question - not least because if he didn't choose to tell you/you won't ask him - the answers are likely to be muddy. Also I am one of those who regard it as intrusive to read about a third party without their permission/co-operation. I realise that third parties will come up in a reading - but when they come up in terms of "I see someone is lying to you" that's not the same as the sitter coming in and asking if he is lying; that kind of question tends to lead to the cards almost protecting the liar, in my experience.

I have to say I am one who prefers to ask for a general reading anyway - I figure the cards will know what it is I need to be asking about.

If anyone is looking for good ways to phrase questions or indeed for good suggestions you needn't leave this site:

Suggestions for questions
Asking the RIGHT question

for a start :)