positive interpretations for 3 of Swords


Can anyone help me think of any positive interpretations for the 3 of Swords? I'm stuck trying to figure out something (anything!) good or favorable that it could mean.

The crowned one

Three of swords.

For me, when I get stuck on a card I break it down to numberology and suite to start a understanding of what I am trying to see.

The three: The question of what path to take was addressed in two, the decision of what path to take was made in three. Threes are about the outcome. (beginnings and ends, the stuff under a foundation)

Prudent, wisdom, harmony and friendship is what "three" meant in the minds of Pythagoreans. It was thought that there can be no resolution for two (dyad) without the building of the triad (three). Depending on what the three was, in this case it is a sword, would dictate the outcome of your conflict. in this case your relationship. Three is perpetuation or resolution of the opposite aspects of two.

There is nothing negative in this yet.

The three of swords might be as simple as you expressing your true thought to him...or even to us as you have through your reading.

It is a resolution of some sort and it is going to cut to the heart of the mater. IS that the realization of unrealistic expectations due to distance, or the opposite, distance is no barrier to love? Three of swords could be either, as long as it is a truth.

This is from a previous post...I hope it helps a bit..

and a link to many thoughts...


Lucky Lori Ann

the swords (thoughts) are piercing the heart (emotion).....thinking thru emotional issues.

healing of emotional issues (this is why there is no blood).

the 3rd sword sometimes tells me that the stalemate of the 2 is broken by the insight of the 3rd sword.


Long-term positive

Oliver Danni said:
Can anyone help me think of any positive interpretations for the 3 of Swords? I'm stuck trying to figure out something (anything!) good or favorable that it could mean.
Actually, the 3/Swords has a very positive meaning--it means that truth or words that really need to be said finally get said. The implication of 3/Swords is often that someone has been holding back on expressing themselves, and this is/has been damaging in the long run. For example, if someone doesn't care for you, but you think they do care for you, then you might be wasting a lot of time on them that you could be using for someone far more worthy. Likewise, if you've been holding off telling someone that you don't like them, because you don't want to hurt them, then you've been miserable around them, day after day. And wasting their time as well.

Maybe you're doing something you don't like doing to please someone, and they need to know you can't do this any longer. Or maybe there's something another person is going to tell you that you really need to hear because so long as you don't know it, people won't take you seriously.

Will there be happiness and rejoicing when these painful words are finally said? Likely not. Likely there'll be some tears spilled and maybe more words angrily exchanged. But in the long run, this move is *incredibly* positive. Because so long as these words remain unsaid, they build up, like poison. The 3/Swords is all about "lancing" the infection and letting the poisons drain out. This may be agony, but would you rather the infection remained, continuing to build up and spread till it kills? Think long-term rather than short term. 3/Swords may be short-term unpleasant, but it's often long-term positive.


Thank you!

Sometimes I get stuck in the image on the card...I see a heart getting stabbed by three swords and I go "OH NOOOOO!" and just get stuck in that first instinct! These interpretations fit the situation much better and are a lot more likely given the surrounding circumstances and the insights I've received from previous readings. Thank you so much! :)


I think the 3 Swords can be very positive in the sense that it paves the way for enlightenment and peace. Often our greatest moments of peace, of growth, come after the storm, after the heartbreak, after we see the freedom in the experience even if we don't realize it at the time (and often we don't because we are hurting so much). As the others have said, the 3 swords is a good card in that it is long-term positive!


I dont mind the 3 of swords cos in the right context it deals with the concept of truth which is a good thing IMO no matter how painful it can be.

I have no idea what your question was but it could mean you making progress towards getting to the heart of the issue.

I've been ignored by someone for the longest and when I asked the cards if I will hear from them the spread was clarified by the 3 of swords and 2 of cups. I took it to mean that we will eventually have a big heart to heart and to me that is a good thing that I will look forward to (if and when it happens)


I think of it as finally "popping that zit." If you let it sit and fester, it will only get worse and more painful. Pop it and it can begin healing.

Notice that the 4 of swords shows rest - once the pressure is relieved, one can finally find rest.

ana luisa

Reviving this thread. :)

Some positives I've found along the way;

Friends united for the same cause (kinda like the three musketeers)
Loving someone HEART BODY and SOUL
Successful bypass surgery
Passionate threesome experience })


I agree with a lot of the comments in that it means you can be in no doubt about things any more....it might really hurt, you cry, you feel betrayed, defeated, it's a shell shock, and a variety of other thoughts and emotions

Something happens that you need to accept, learn from and move on. Next step is peace and time for recuperation. I suppose what I'm trying to say is the positive side is to stop you living without a certain important truth for you which can only harm / delay your progress if you don't know it

this is the image from my deck, deep hurt but realisation
