Practice, practice, practice...


My aunt was a card reader, playing cards only. She died 16 years ago. When asked about how she learned, her response was practice, practice & more practice. She said to do readings for people in person, do readings on people who weren't present, read for tv characters/shows, politicians, actors/actresses, etc. However, I've read that some people consider it to be unethical to conduct a reading on someone without their knowledge. What are some of your thoughts on it? We have to learn somehow.

I've done a few on fictional movie characters.


Sound advice.

I like to use anything verifiable. Sports outcomes, show results, will X happen today? etc. (See my post on When/Timing - this was either correct or it wasn't - no grey area) When you're first starting out getting into the "what does so and so think of me?" questions will drive you nuts - so, unless you're going to ask them to confirm it's not worth it. Stick to things you can verify and then explore beyond that.

Hope this helps.


I like to use anything verifiable. Sports outcomes, show results, will X happen today? etc. (See my post on When/Timing - this was either correct or it wasn't - no grey area) When you're first starting out getting into the "what does so and so think of me?" questions will drive you nuts - so, unless you're going to ask them to confirm it's not worth it. Stick to things you can verify and then explore beyond that.
Excellent advice. Reality TV competitions are great as well as news stories (although you don't always get an outcome). Because Lenormand is so concrete and mundane these are good practice options. I also like to draw short spreads for the plots of movies and sometimes books. Plus, it helps make me a more active viewer/reader, which is always a plus. There are several examples on my blog (see my personal info page).


I agree with both 1Eleven and Teheuti.

I have done readings about whether or not certain TV shows were going to get cancelled (I did readings on Constantine, Stalker, and the original CSI). Lately, I've done readings based on the relationships of couples from both daytime and primetime shows I watch, and then see how the storylines play out, much like Teheuti with the movies and books.

Another thing I've done with the Lenormand is to do a reading when a client books a Tarot session with me. Right before the client comes for her session, I ask the cards, "What do I need to know about my session with X?" With every one I've done so far, the cards show me what topic(s) the client will center the reading on. As 1Eleven said, it's something that can be verified.


Excellent advice. Reality TV competitions are great as well as news stories (although you don't always get an outcome). Because Lenormand is so concrete and mundane these are good practice options. I also like to draw short spreads for the plots of movies and sometimes books. Plus, it helps make me a more active viewer/reader, which is always a plus. There are several examples on my blog (see my personal info page).

Thanks, Mary - and thank you for your work :)

I always forget about movies... thanks for the reminder to play around with those. Maybe I'll go figure out that Soprano's ending, too!


Also newspapers are good to do readings on, for example the front page might be about a famous person who is due in court for something to do with drugs, so you can ask the cards how the trial will go and then you can guarantee to get an update in the newspaper about the outcome of the case etc to which you can relate back to your reading.

I did a reading about that plane that crashed a couple of months ago in the french alps, and from the cards i found out that he was mentally unstable due to a break up with a long term partner.


Also newspapers are good to do readings on, for example the front page might be about a famous person who is due in court for something to do with drugs, so you can ask the cards how the trial will go and then you can guarantee to get an update in the newspaper about the outcome of the case etc to which you can relate back to your reading.

Nice newspaper tip, Sharla. This reminds me of my Remote Viewing training years ago. There was a cue to determine the next days front page feature story.

It was something like:

Next Day / Newspaper Name / Front Page / Primary Photo / Target Reference

This could be a fun prediction with the cards once you get into descriptions.

As always, have fun