Printing e-books

Silver Crow

I love that tarot artists and enthusiasts are providing free e-books. The only thing is, I HATE reading them on the computer. The other problem is that if I were to print it out myself the cost of printer ink would be prohibitive.

Yesterday, while working with Davina's book "Deidre of the Sorrows Tarot Deck: A detailed Study of the Symbolism", I decided to see how much it would cost to have it printed.

I was SHOCKED that for $22.00 I could have a black and white version printed and bound at Staples. Even better, I just uploaded the PDF to them, told them what I wanted and it was ready today, easy peasy. The quality is VERY good, the paper is smooth and heavier than normal printing paper, there is a clear cover and a nice thick black back cover. I wish I would have known that it was this easy, and this inexpensive years ago.

I will be having more of my PDF books printed this way, even better is if you have a PDF version and a first edition you can do this and save your first edition for prosperity. :)


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  • DeidreInside.jpg
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Good idea!

It doesn't look like you had this issue, but something for others to keep in mind is that not all e-books are formatted to be on a standard paper size. I have found that some do a book and do not seem to think that the person reading it would like to print it out.

Be sure of how it will look on paper before spending money to have it printed -- whether it is your own ink or Staples/Kinkos.

Silver Crow

That's a good point! Staples gives you the option to fit to page, and then you get to preview it. This is really important for any type of printing! :)


I just discovered this a few months ago, I printed out the ironwing book, then reordered it and created a index, and a cover.

Then I took it to the printer I use for everthing and Kathy laughed when I showed her what I needed to in order to make it all the same size :)
She gave me her business card and said to email her if I wanted to do something like that again. Cool beans!

I didn't think to ask what it would cost, 22.00 is way more than I'd be willing to spend. What kind of binding did you get silvercrow? I've just had mine punched and comb bound with a clear cover and back.

it was about 4 dollars to have that done. My printer ink is only 10.00 and typing paper is cheap. ;)

Silver Crow

Hi AJ - good price! My ink is so expensive I didn't even try.

I had a coil binding because I wanted to be able to sit it flat open. They used a nice heavier paper which will hold up to lots of use which I was very happy with. I'm kind of a book whore so $22.00 was cheap compared to the Robert Place book I just got. LOL


Silver Crow said:
I'm kind of a book whore ... LOL

Me too - I find it easier to spend money on books than anything else!


Silver Crow said:
I love that tarot artists and enthusiasts are providing free e-books. The only thing is, I HATE reading them on the computer. The other problem is that if I were to print it out myself the cost of printer ink would be prohibitive.

Yesterday, while working with Davina's book "Deidre of the Sorrows Tarot Deck: A detailed Study of the Symbolism", I decided to see how much it would cost to have it printed.

I was SHOCKED that for $22.00 I could have a black and white version printed and bound at Staples. Even better, I just uploaded the PDF to them, told them what I wanted and it was ready today, easy peasy. The quality is VERY good, the paper is smooth and heavier than normal printing paper, there is a clear cover and a nice thick black back cover. I wish I would have known that it was this easy, and this inexpensive years ago.

I will be having more of my PDF books printed this way, even better is if you have a PDF version and a first edition you can do this and save your first edition for prosperity. :)

The book looks real good. It's a good idea. Why did I buy that iPad?