Queen of Swords - her hair

Amanda B

Greetings, all!

I was staring at the QofS hair during a reading, and I noticed something about her hair. The part right next to her face - the part that looks curly - also looks like a shadow profile of her face. Sort of like one face was retreating, allowing another, stronger face to emerge. Does anyone else see this? What do you make of it?




Queen Of Swords

Wow this is quite interesting to me. I use the Queen of Swords for my significator for myself and I never noticed this until you pointed it out. I have the original RWS and the Universal RWS and I saw how her hair is different in two parts. I don't see another face emerging, but I see the difference like there's two different parts of her hair.



This is intersting. I don't see a face, but i find a lot times, the same detail in the same card seem to "morph" into different objects depending on the reading. Whatever is catching your eye must be a important clue. I really have no idea what it could mean, other than what you have described.