Random Messages


Hello, I'm going to post messages here that I get, from wherever it is they come from, meaning, from the living and the deceased.


It's a bit of an experiment, checking connections so to speak.

There are no sitters for these readings, however, if you resonate with any of the messages, please post below and we can go from there.


To Kara from Katie, I will be at your wedding.

Katie is showing me a female with honey blonde hair, that hangs just past her shoulders and curls up slightly, she's got the kind of hair that bounces as she walks. She has really round high cheekbones, really round though, quite a small mouth really, as she's smiling a full smile, but it doesn't extend far past her nose. Lovely teeth lol. She has a lovely smile, people often commented on it. She keeps showing me a pair of glasses, she needs them for reading, but she doesn't wear them properly, they sit on the end of her nose and she looks down through them to read.
Now she's showing me a letter she got in the mail, she's reading it and frowning, it's upset her. It's from the doctor she says. She had tests done and thought no more of them, she wasn't expecting this. She's telling me "cancer' and holding her breasts, and looking like she wants to cry. It was an incredible shock to everyone, she was rarely sick and always smiling, she's telling me people got angry with her for being sick, and she lost a few friends over it. She says no one knew what to do. She's flashing her fingers at me, 5 and 5. 55. She was only 55. But she also had the energy of someone much younger. I ask her how tall she was, and she shows me 5 fingers of 1 hand, then puts one finger up on the other but starts curling it down and giving me a funny grin, so I'd say she was not quite 5" 1' but told people she was lol. Fantastic bubbly personality. Very sociable. A single mother. One daughter. She's saying " I am champagne, bubbly and light and I go straight to your head" and she's laughing her head off. She was a lot of fun. She still is lol

Well, thank you Katie, it was nice to meet you and I hope Kara is here or someone who knows her so she can get your message :)


Do you think the subject will be guided to read your post?


this is a wonderful idea Queenx, I hope the people see their messages for them :) :thumbsup: