Reading for/about animals

Kris Hughes

A big part of my life has revolved around animals, particularly horses and horsemanship. For awhile I have been troubled my my relationship with my favourite, soul-mate, horse, and been meaning to do a reading on it. I'll probably do it today. Meanwhile, the inevitable has happened, and someone I know has asked me to do something similar for her.

I'm certainly up for delving into this, and just wondering if anyone has experiences to share regarding readings involving animals, their feelings, their relationships with their human friends, etc. I'm sure that the type of readings I do can give the human insight into their part in things, but not sure whether to also include the animals viewpoint in some way. No doubt my intuition will guide me...

Please share!


Yes, the one and only time I did a reading for a beloved dog that had passed over, I used the Gaian Tarot. There was no reason for choosing this deck over another .... and the first card dealt was the 2 of water which shows a dog leaping up and embracing a woman (presumably its owner) next to a waterfall!

Have you seen the Way of the Horse oracle deck?


Why not include the animal's viewpoint? They do have one, which it sounds like you well know. They think in emotions, not words. Although, of course, they can be taught certain words & respond to them, it's not their natural way of thinking. They 'think' more with feelings. I've done tons of readings for animals. Why not? And I LUUURVE horsies!!!, they're very spiritual creatures. I miss mine badly; Dreyfuss (Halflinger) passed away about 1.5-2 yrs ago, I think. Jess (Morgan) passed about a year before him. Dreyfuss was 53 I think; Jess was around 35. In my back yard. I miss them so much. Keep it up, Kris, the possibilities are endless! There's a really old post here somewhere, but I actually let Dreyfuss choose his own card, after I fanned them out, & it was spot on for his *mood* at the time. (So no, pro'ly no one would wanna trade me that deck.) You see, Dreyfuss had been severely abused before I adopted him & had NO teeth so he gummed all his food (I gave him hi-energy pelleted food) but he still grazed & drooled green slime ALL the time...

Kris Hughes

Why not include the animal's viewpoint? They do have one, which it sounds like you well know. They think in emotions, not words. Although, of course, they can be taught certain words & respond to them, it's not their natural way of thinking. They 'think' more with feelings. I've done tons of readings for animals. Why not? And I LUUURVE horsies!!!, they're very spiritual creatures. I miss mine badly; Dreyfuss (Halflinger) passed away about 1.5-2 yrs ago, I think. Jess (Morgan) passed about a year before him. Dreyfuss was 53 I think; Jess was around 35. In my back yard. I miss them so much. Keep it up, Kris, the possibilities are endless! There's a really old post here somewhere, but I actually let Dreyfuss choose his own card, after I fanned them out, & it was spot on for his *mood* at the time. (So no, pro'ly no one would wanna trade me that deck.) You see, Dreyfuss had been severely abused before I adopted him & had NO teeth so he gummed all his food (I gave him hi-energy pelleted food) but he still grazed & drooled green slime ALL the time...

Awww - I love Haffies and other drafty pony types. I have two Fell Ponies and they are absolutely my closest friends, relatives and colleagues! Now you've opened up a whole new can of worms and I'm fantasizing about designing a version of my oracle deck for use by animals. Plywood cards with knobs on the back for easy grabbing? (Anybody want to design the tuck box for that one LOL!!)

But back to the question. I'm sure that animals have emotions and thoughts and opinions and a rich spiritual life. The problem I fear is the human inability to "get" it! I cringe when I hear animal communicators (or anybody else) presenting animals as simple, cuddly, baby-talking individuals who refer to their owners as "mommy". Although as I write this, maybe some of them are simply presenting things in a way the owner can connect with...

I've been having a hard time doing the reading for myself, so I finally asked the pendulum whether it was going to help us, and learned that it's not at this time, but that it will work for other people. It sent me to dowse for flower remedies for myself, instead - which now that I've done it, do make sense for me and my pony.

I'm getting off topic, though, so will just leave the question open for others to comment, as that would be appreciated.