Reading screw ups..?


Can readings ever get screwed up somehow and why? For example my mom used to go to this one reader who she thought was very accurate but one time when she was getting her cards read nothing sounded right to her and she said it sounded more like her sister-in-laws life who was with her at the time. I went to the same woman with a couple of friends and my friends reading sounded a lot more like what was going on in my life and my friend agreed it did not seem right to her. I've noticed this happen atleast once now when I am reading. I did a reading for a friend the other day and I swear all the cards that come up most frequently in my personal readings, came up in her reading. I thought it was speaking directly to me, but how does this happen especially when the other person is doing the asking and shuffling??


The Tarot tells us what we need to know at the time of asking.
In the past spreads have manifestly related to third parties so didn't make very much sense to me way back then.
As to being screwed up it may seem like that right now but more input gleaned from others in your orbit of aquaintances could resonate well for you in months to come.


Yes, it's happened to me before. I asked about a certain guy and the reader started reading on my ex. I took that as my ex's energy was stronger or closer to me than the other guy.

Believe or not sometimes the reader just isn't interpreting the cards correctly. There are many examples in the Your Readings section. Sometimes we all need help. It's best for the reader to let the person know that they are having trouble rather than give the querent a questionable or false reading.


Oh, I guess I'm still a bit confused. So if I am reading for someone else and I think the cards are actually trying to say something about MY life not the client, then what should I do? Read the cards for myself? What i did the other day when this happened with my friends reading was I just tried to relate the cards to her but I told her I wasn't sure what it meant to her and that it looked more like a reading for myself. Could I just be wrong? I know obviously cards that come up in my own readings can come up for others too but this reading was literally all the most frequent cards in my personal reading. Also the potential outcomes were exact to a reading I did for myself just a day or two earlier. Am i just unable to interpret properly? I know I'm just starting out but if I'm going on intuition, i really felt it was speaking to me. It's still hard to say. Queen of wands came up and 8 of swords which are 2 cards which come up for me a lot. The Queen of wands usually represents me since i am a fire sign but it could represent my friend because she is also a fire sign.