Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 9 - #99


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 9
Number: 99



Dr Jones - Key Word Inclination
Numerology 99 - intersting numerology 99 - its like NEARLY there - reaching for something else.

Ridder-jones body part Pylorus

and Snowflake Obsidian

Well I love this sybmol, for me its about confidence, happiness, having a world within a world, safety and security in a place and time. Looking for something - different new interesting. A pond some fish and a fountain statue - a little girl in the middle of the pond - just calming I suppose, the setting and the intention. I imagine all the other little animals that drink from the pond too. If this was an important aspect in your astrology chart Id say you are pretty psychic at least spritual, being able to reach into the unconsciousness and PULL OUT something NEW interesting intuitive and GOOD.



Hi Marina,

I have this symbol in Mars sits upon it!

This is what I've come to understand of this symbol, which has, as I've written this, explained the previous symbol...the rabbits!

When I first looked at this symbol, I had a creepy feeling of dread. Here we have a small naked girl (pure spirit, pure innocence) reaching for a fish (spirit). Water is from whence we sprang, ……returning to the womb!

Spirit reaching spirit – this is too one sided! This child is young and knows not of the dangers. Where there is light, there is also the shadow…and the stronger the light….the deeper the shadow!

Where are the child’s caretaker’s? Nearby? As this child bends, can we hear her mother’s screams, the run of hurried feet? Someone catching hold?


When my children were very small, each them were given lessons on how to swim. Myself, I am a poor swimmer and have had a fear of straying too deeply into the waters…..of losing control….panicking, drowning. Yet it is this fear, this will to survive that saved me. I was in a little dingy too small for my weight which tipped and sent me deep into the waters. Driven by the fear of dying, my body swam upward, kicking with all its might. Help was nearby, but I will never forget how it felt holding my breath, it was if my lungs, my heart were on fire, ready to burst at any moment. But I was not a child, I was close to my twelfth birthday.

This child has no fear of the unknown…freedom of doubt, which takes us to the other side of this symbol.

A new dimension has made itself known…a motion, an intensity that takes our breath away! It could be a different perspective of something seen or done before, which is being illuminated in a new way. A doorway to another world..a world of the spirit!

Sink or Swim

My Mars sits in this symbol. And with great patience it has learned to breathe under water. But it took many years to understand that my rational, thinking mind could relax, surrender and breathe in water…..but it is also here we have no power and must at some point break through and swim upward and flow with the water’s current or dissolve in the realm of spirit….an escape from the harsh realities of life!

It is here that we see Fulgour’s persistence in the Decanates and the three crosses! Perhaps reading this he will explain more fully, the mutable, the fixed and cardinal crosses....different levels of BEing...strengthening our connection to the physical, the emotional and mental bodies.

We the masses as a whole are moving from the mutable cross of these three worlds (physical experience) to the Fixed Cross of Transmutation, (the mental plane). Our struggle is learning to control the emotions and ease the pain and frustration we feel as we move through the decanates (Ah the rabbits on parade?)…a new found freedom….a move from selfishness transformed into selflessness.

Perhaps Fulgour can expand on this…….Fulgour????



This is a rough draft of my notes on this I quickly jotted down the images and feelings coming to me..and from this, created what was written above.

"A new dimension has made itelf felt…daring in a different way….restless…an impulse ….the water glows...a whim…her interest...the eclipse...a need for magic…shining like jewels…hypnotized by its mystique…so intense it takes my breath away. Felt an impulse to touch…restores youthfulness.. sureness of spirit…..a vulnerability to the world…feeling a reality outside of the self….falling under its spell….irresistible waves….expressive... unforgettable….a fantasy…a desperate dream…stubbornness...delight… overpowering, reflection…how wide her eyes are…hovering over the deep…dancing reflections on a silent pool….impish…..facing mirrors that pass through the universe. "

Out of curiousity, do other's with this Cancer symbol do the same?

tink :?:


Sorry, but...

My studies are generally directed at simplifying information,
and so I make only a passing acquaintance with those who
pose elaborate models with all-encompassing viewpoints...


Esoteric Astrology
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

Table of Contents

Chapter VI - The Three Crosses

1. The Mutable Cross
2. The Fixed Cross
3. The Cardinal Cross


Alice Bailey was born June 16, 1880 in the city of Manchester, England.
Between 1919 and 1949 (her death), she produced twenty-four books,
including an autobiography; nineteen of these books were said to be
written by her Tibetan Master DK (Djwhal Khul).


Dr Jones says you have excellent capacity for self expression
WATER WATER WATER - female, spirit, emotions and communication (fish from the unconscious to the conscious)
I have to say your posts make me realise he has something there, you express symbols and ideas very well grasping at the nether reaches of the conscious to remind us of MORE..




MCsea said:
Dr Jones says you have excellent capacity for self expression
WATER WATER WATER - female, spirit, emotions and communication (fish from the unconscious to the conscious)
I have to say your posts make me realise he has something there, you express symbols and ideas very well grasping at the nether reaches of the conscious to remind us of MORE..



Wow! Thank you for that Marina. At times it can be quite a rollercoaster ride, which is probably why I can't stomach them in real life! :lightbulb

Interstingly the pylorus is the lowest point of the stomach before entering the duodenum and the fundus is at the higher point of the stomach! I never looked at it this way before...fascinating isn't it! :!:



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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