Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 3 - #63


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 3
Number: 63



It was such a beautiful day today, we decided it was perfect for a visit to a nearby park. The sensuous smell of Nature’s breath was absolutely breathtaking! I had forgotten how our sense of smell recalls and reminds of our many memories and emotions. It brought a smile and for the moment good thoughts of my childhood days, walking my dog Pepper, in a wooded area near my home. Pepper was a Christmas present to me from my father – I had him for almost 18 years!

Gardens are definitely a place where we can bring our Emotional and Spiritual Selves into balance. It nourishes our senses and our souls and takes us away from the noise and humdrum of everyday life. Just taking care of a garden allows us to be co-creators in the process of life! Our airwaves are open and we breathe in the lifeforce and breathe out emotional fulfillment, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

For the Garden of Tuleries – I’ve understood its meaning to represent structure, order, formulation and a good strong foundation. It works and functions as an anchor and one massive self-regulating organism.

The garden talks of ‘cooperation not competition! For the Garden of Tuleries to exist it requires teamwork, it requires skill, strength, creativity, sensitivity and the ability to make what we ‘see’ a reality.

Christmas is supposed to be a time when we cast away all personal woes and collectively move towards human kindness and compassion, wholeness, and enlightenment.

Perhaps the greatest teachings of Christmas and of Santa Claus is the ideal that all humans are created equal and that all life, no matter what shape or form should be honored. But instead we have invested our Spirits into an external source and a spiritual authority that is both ancient and modern. Somehow through this invisible influence we have gotten lost in this drama that personal happiness comes only with materialistic things. We are being seduced by subliminal seductions we ourselves created – modern technology! With the touch of a button our present world has become a consumer’s market of pleasure-seeking and spiritually greedy people. We have gotten lost in its drama and out of touch with reality.

Our children watch at least 20 hours of TV a week. As Christmas approaches, advertisements and subliminal messages are blitzing us in every direction. It has been proven that man, woman and child can receive, process and transmit information that has somehow made its way through to their nervous system. The unconscious can operate quite independently from our conscious minds and our brains. And these two twins have definitely been known to oppose one another!

The part of body for this symbol is the upper right pulmonary lobe. , “that carries blood rich with oxygen”. Suppressed and smothered emotions don’t only affect the action of our hearts but our lungs as well, which are in fact extensions of the heart. When we are in a moment of creative passion our lungs and belly fill with life-giving oxygen. But when we are lethargic, uninspired, we only breathe into the upper lobes of our lungs. Our bodies. starving for oxygen. Worldwide deforestation, mining and changing the natural byways of our waters have created huge dust clouds carrying bacteria, viruses, soot, acids, etc. We can’t afford to be sensually deprived. We need to reawaken old memories of Christmas, Sabian Symbol 4.

Sorry, I think I got a little carried away with this one. It must be a definite issue with me.



I remember Elven wrote some really great stuff about this symbol but search as I might I cant find it.. but I will keep looking!



Actually a quote from elven

toward the end of page 2 - Elven wrote some thought proving things I hope she does not mind I copy pasted it here -

Gemini 3: The Charming Court Life At The Garden of the Tuileries in Paris
I became interested in what the gardens looked like an their history. After reading some of the information available, I think I have a better idea of what the gardens were about. The Palace has a great history, but not longer exists. It opens up my meaning on the Symbol and adds to its interpretation.

Below is an extract of a glimps of the gardens The Tuileries Gardens - A Short Dark History
By Jacqueline Donnelly
Paris Kiosque Volume 3 #9.

To see the corresponding photos for the article:


I confess that of all of the monuments and spots I have discovered on foot, I have had the least respect for the Tuileries Gardens. To me,they were always the predictable ho-hum, formal 17th century garden , with 18 statues (albeit nude) and the predictable fountains.
The gardens served as a quick walk-through from the Louvre to the Place de la Concorde allowing me to avoid the tourists on the rue de Rivoli. Even the name seemed bizarre, like the tinkling of bells rather than the reference to "tuiles" or roof tiles which the factories produced for centuries near the present site of the gardens.

Oh how I have changed my mind! Having researched the dirt (forgive the pun) I find the gardens to be a contradiction - today a place for children to play , lovers to meet, and yesterday the site of great slaughter, the extension of a royal palace and a royal prison.

In order to appreciate the gardens you must sit quietly and see the invisible. Imagine a large, rather cumbersome palace that resembled the Louvre and formed the eastern edge of the side of the garden. It was built by Catherine de Medicis, an incredibly powerful and supersitious queen whose actions were determined by her soothsayer long before Nancy Reagan had the idea.

Her stay at the palace was abruptly interrupted when she learned that she would die near Saint-Germain. Since the Tuileries Palace was in the parish of the church Saint-Germain-Auxerrois, Catherine packed her bags, took her furniture and left. As history tells us, years later, on her deathbed at the royal chateau of Blois she received the last rites from Father Julien de Saint-Germain!

The Tuileries Palace can be seen in this map of 1870. It encloses the western side of the present day Louvre, connecting the Denon and Richelieu wings.

The great Louis XIV resided at the Tuileries Palace while his chateau, Versailles, was under construction. When he left, the building was abandoned, used only as a theater, until the return of the ill-fated royal family - Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette, their children plus a handful of servants, who were expelled from Versailles and forced to enjoy the hospitality of the mob of Paris in October of 1789, two months after the storming of the Bastille.

What a fall from glory to leave the palatial spendor of Versailles, for the musty, cavernous halls of the Tuileries Palace.

I can see the queen playing in the garden with her children, exposed to the stares of the people, like animals in a zoo, or the well-worn paths taken by the king, as he meditated on philosophy and history in denial of the danger and inevitabily of the demise of the monarchy which would take place two years later with his execution on 21 January, 1793.

The royal family attempted escape. They slipped out of the palace, disguised as servants, praying for release from this capitivity, only to be captured in Varennes, a town on the border of Germany, recognized by a peasant from the resemblence of Louis to his coin!

They were dragged back to the Tuileries, now under strict guard. The palace and the gardens were to be their universe until the most dramatic day of the French revolution - August 10, 1792 when the bells of Paris rang in every working class neighborhood and the people stormed the palace in anger.

The royal family fled to the General Assembly hall near the Place de la Concorde. The faithful Swiss guards, loyal to the end, defended the palace, unaware that their royal charges had deserted the building.

The rabble stormed the doors, massacred the guards, looted the palace and left. The palace and once quiet garden were strewn with over 1000 corpses. The King himself could not stop the slaughter as he cowered with his family in a room of the assembly.

This revolt confirmed in the insurgents' mind the justification for dismantling the monarchy and establishing the "Commune", the first government of the people. It is not in the fall of the Bastille but in the slaughter in the Tuileries that the French Revolution made its mark!

The burned out hulk of the Tuileries Palace as it was after the Commune. (Image used with permission, Northwestern University Library; Special Collections, The Siege and Commune of Paris, 1870-1871).

The Tuileries Palace had seemed hexed. Catherine de Medicis abandoned it, Louis XIV tolerated it, Louis XVI was prisoner, ....and in 1848 during a revolt, the people of Paris sacked it; it was restored under Napoleon-III to a sumptuous palace only to be burned in the 1871 during the confrontation with another Communard government.

The accursed palace loomed, charred and in disgrace for 12 years on the site of the present expanded Tuileries gardens.

What a great concentration of French history has taken place in what today appears only to be a classical, French garden.

But, let's not leave on a dismal note. Today, lovers meet, and children play, hurried Parisians shortcut through the park, tourists wander, and life goes on.

But because we now know the story, we will not see the former palace and the present gardens in the same way.

The End.

Many Blessings
Elven x


I wrote -

Thanks Elven, this indeed is a welcome insight to this symbol, I often wondered about the symbol, but now I see it is a circle (as all the symbols are) of life death and resurrection if that is an OK word to use, I will make sure I remember this part of the story before interpreting this symbol in the in the future...

All the symbols have so much more to them... so much to learn experience and enjoy....


Key Word Luxury

Element Orthoclase
Discussion Orthoclase is an important igneous rock forming mineral. Orthoclase is named based on the Greek for "straight fracture," because its two cleavages are at right angles to each other. Bit like the garden walls.. Orthoclase has a vitreous to pearly luster. It can be colored white, gray, yellow or red; rarely green. Orthoclase is used in the manufacture of porcelain and as a constituent of scouring powder. When pearly and opalescent, orthoclase is called moonstone and is used in jewelry. I get in general that spiritually orthoclase is an ‘ upper-class’ stone that brings a sense of refinement and appreciation of the finer things in life such as art and creative works. Can be used to stimulate the crown charka and enhance intuition.


Hi Marina!

Wow! I had no idea of the history of Tuilieries. You have truly opened my eyes! Thank you! It is definitley an eye-opener.

MCsea said:
Orthoclase is used in the manufacture of porcelain and as a constituent of scouring powder. When pearly and opalescent, orthoclase is called moonstone and is used in jewelry. I get in general that spiritually orthoclase is an ‘ upper-class’ stone that brings a sense of refinement and appreciation of the finer things in life such as art and creative works. Can be used to stimulate the crown charka and enhance intuition.

Moonstone is a like a psychic mirror, hopes fears and dreams can be amplified (scouring?) and brought out into the open. We can heal with this stone or resist its teachings big time. It's great for sinus conditions and colds and for opening the senses. In ancient days it was sewn into women's clothing as a good luck charm for fertility. I did not know it was orthoclase or of it uses Marina -very interesting!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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