Scratch reading.


This is a spread I came up with and have used many times. I find it is often fairly revealing when I do it for myself and when I do it for others it also seems to get good results, so I thought I would share. There are a few steps so I will try to keep things nice and clear. I use this spread with my Thoth deck only because it makes use of the cross on the back and the numbers 1-10 (kabbala), but if you can/want to adapt it for another deck please do.
I call it the scratch reading because I intended it for situations where there is no specific question. The first few steps are based entirely around 'getting to know' who you're reading for, and the final step is a spread to reveal an issue they're facing - So its kind of like starting from 'scratch'. I also refer to it as a reading rather than a spread because it uses a couple of different spreads and there's a few steps to it.

*begin with all cards facing the same way (no reversals).

1. After shuffling, have the querent cut the deck. Whatever card they cut to becomes their significator for the reading.

2. Shuffle again, leaving the significator aside. Cut the deck into equal halves and place them in front of the querent, one upside down, the other right side up. Ask that they choose the deck that best represents them from their perspective (using the Thoth deck this means they will be choosing either a cross, or an inverted cross, which *might* reveal something about the querent (but I've found that they often come up with some other reason for picking the half that they do without even registering the position of the crosses.

3. Tell the querent that the half they chose represents the world they see, while the other half of the deck represents the world that is hidden to them. Set the hidden world/other half of the deck aside for now. Now have the querent cut the half deck again, and insert their significator. Because we all face the world, turn the significator so that it is reversed in relation to the rest of the cards.

4. Shuffle the half of the deck that contains the significator thoroughly and deal it out into ten piles. There should be about 4 cards per pile. You will see where the querents card is because it will be reversed. Take the pile that the significator is in. (Collect the rest of the cards and place back with the half of the deck that represents the hidden world. ) The number of the pile corresponds to a number in the kabbala, providing a sense of where the querent is along their journey to self-realization.

5. Lay out the 4 cards in spread 1:
...2... ...4...
Cards 1-4 represent the querent's 'body'.
1-physical body
2-emotional body
3-mind body
4-spirity body
This spread establishes the state of the querent's total being. Their significator will be in one of these places, showing where they are most strongly located within themselves.

6. Leave this spread as it is and take all the other cards. Shuffle them back into one deck and spread them out. Ask the querent to select 5 cards. These cards make up the final spread:
1-The current issue
2-Unconscious/factors the querent is unaware of
3-Conscious/factors the q. is aware of/sees within his or her control.
4-The decision to be made
5-The outcome

Hope that wasn't too long. Enjoy.


hi there Kosmos,
I am intriqued with this spread, trying to figure out what exactly happens in the procedure.

Taking it slow I follow all the way to:

>The number of the pile corresponds to a number in the kabbala, providing a sense of where the querent is along their journey to self-realization.

For us who don't know much of kabbala, could you specify the 10 and how to refer that to where in life a person is?


I see why you are using Toth for this - but I could have any deck right and have f.ex "left" and "right" instead of straight and inward - and just have the numbers in mind?

>but I've found that they often come up with some other reason for picking the half that they do without even registering the position of the crosses.

No, no,no you are right, it is when they Don't think of it, it means something. Inwards or outwards. Straight forward or hidden. Do they rule left wtih right ( emotions with mind) or right with left (letting emotions clutter thinking) - I difiantly think you have something going strong here.


You do read ALL 4 cards in spread one right? with significator showing the strongest of them four?


Ok, I am done now :p hope I understood all this ....


The meanings of the numbers in kabbala are pretty deep and I'm sure that a lot of people have their own ways of understanding them, but I'll give you mine and hope that I make sense...
1-not much different than the concept of zero. One is all is one. There is no size, or location, or position, or proportion, or anything because there's nothing to relate to.
2-I see 2 as the dynamic aspect of 1. The instant we identify the concept of 1, the 'other' emerges simultaneously. This is where position emerges. The book of Thoth interstingly points out that there is still no measurable distance between two points, but that the points simply 'have distance'. A boundary or a third point would be necessary for a measurement to me made. In a sense, 2 is basic self-other awareness.
3-Because 2 is the dynamic aspect of 1, 1 and 2 are forever bound, and 1+2=3, so 3 emerges naturally, but is quite unique. At 3 there is measurement, choice, relativity, combinations, etc. 3 also creates the plane (1 was the point, 2 is the line).
4-With the 4th point, the plane becomes a solid. 4 has to do with structure, control, a constructed world.
5-Where there is structure there is chaos, and where there is control and security there is worry and danger, and this is 5. 5 represents the solid(4) in time. Concern with past and future, attempting to maintain the control of 4 in a dynamic universe = struggle.
6-In the kabbala this is self-consciousness. There are boundaries, desires, constructs, etc. that set us apart from the universe as a 'self' while the control we practice and the world we practice it over are again 'other' to us.
7-Bliss. The 'self' emerges and there is individuality. The self-consciousness (6), or awareness of a self that is seperate from the constructs and the need to control the world is very freeing and liberating.
8-Thought. This might be seen as the ability to be critical or objective. If 4 is constructions and power, 8 is 4 twice, or the application of these things to themselves. Construction becomes deconstruction. Thought allows someone to take apart and rearrange the constructs that bind their reality.
9-Being. we can constrcut and deconstruct the world around us endlessly, over and over, by deciding what things mean and then viewing them in relation to one another. Being or existence is the unchanging backdrop to this endless cycle.
10-The integration of all previous points is our manifestation on this plane as a transcendent whole, or as a being that is actually a multiplicity.
Each number then, corresponds to a certain phenomena, or stage of development, and together they are a 'map of the universe'.

"You do read ALL 4 cards in spread one right? with significator showing the strongest of them four?"
Yes, read all 4 cards as the 1-physical, 2-emotional, 3-mental, 4-spiritual body, with the significator indicating the 'level' the querent identifies with the most.