Self-Actualization Pyramids


I promised to share this spread in another post, so her goes:

I don´t know, who designed it, but I got it from here:

The website contains also some other useful spreads. Personally, I find this one very useful for weekly readings or special situations.


The central pyramid contains of:
1-3: The base, or past, what you build upon
4-5: The present
6: Your potential

The small inverted pyramid:
7-8: Strenghths
9: "Nourishment" - for me I translated this as something you should enhance, a part of you, you should bear in mind and cultivate.

The small pyramid to the right:
10-11: Weaknesses
12: Advise for your actions

I like to read the weaknesses/strenghts as combination. So cards 10 and 11 build up a weakness because of their combination. And that´s the foundation for card 12.
In my experience, it´s also a very good spread to use elemental dignities!