So Below - Book of Shadows II -THE QUEEN OF SWORDS ~ SYLPHS

La Force


This is a scene of "Re-assessment". Kristen and a friend are out at a coffee shop. There are sitting at a Barista patio table. They are shaded by a large yellow patio umbrella. Kristen has a glass of lemonade sitting on the table. Her friend set her green purse down on the table beside her. Kristen's friend Sarah needs Kristen to look over her written assignment that she was required to write for her course she is taking. Kristen obliges, reads over Sarah's assignment, she finds some errors. Kristen explains and gives Sarah some advice and suggestions on how to improve the assignment paper. Sarah is so pleased with Kristen's advice and accepts that the adjustments that needs to be made will make huge improvements to her assignment and will get her a better grade.

LWB said:
Uses her skills to help someone focus her actions by eliminating the unnecessary and highlighting the essential.

All of the Queens share their suit's energy directly with an individual. All the Queens can play the role of friend, mentor, cheerleader, mother, and role model. They enjoy being recognized for their skills and experience. In exchange, they can offer advice and help. Queens are manipulative and smothering. By paying attention to the card's suit, you get a hint about their motives and priorities.

Swords can be cold and distant.
Queen of Swords; Someone who supports and nurtures new ideas, systems, and communication.

The Queen of Swords shares and uses her skills to help someone focus her actions by eliminating the unnecessary and highlighting the essentials.