Spread for locating lost objects?


Hello everyone,

Does anybody know a spread for locating lost objects? I seem to recall that I've heard of one, but I can't remember where.

Thank you in advance.


There are a few of them in the spreads index and some samples in the My Readings section, using search will find them for you...


On lost objects

Hi AngelDancer,

I made a spread called Mapspread, which I used for a friend to find out what was going on/going to happen in different geographic directions. It was very accurate.
I suggested it could be used for finding lost objects too, the spread indicating the direction in which to look for it.
You can probably find it in the Spread List, a few weeks back.

I suggest you change it a bit, so you can know if the item will be find at a close, medium or vast distance from where you are, as well as the direction:
Try to do it like this:

Mix all the 78 cards. Make a clock spread, with one card at each "hour". These cards may show you if you will find the lost item in the vincinity of where you are, in your home or neighbourhood, and in what direction to look for it.
Outside this first ring of cards, make another in the same way. These cards may show you if you will find the item a bit farther away, like in your village/town/at work/at a friend's and so on.
The third and last circle is made outside the second one, showing whether the item is to be found in a place far away, i e another town.

I suggest you predetermine one specific card to represent the lost item. When it shows up, you may find it in the direction and at the distance indicated by the clockspread, "the map". If the card doesn't show up, it may be that the item can't be recovered.

If you're looking for a thief, I'd suggest you look for the Magician.
If you're looking for an infidel, I'd suggest you look for the King of Wands or some similar card.
If you are looking for a new beau, you may look for the King/Queen of Cups - or of Wands, if that is more to your liking: - )

Who knows what you will find out there: - )))

Wish you good luck!!!



oh very interesting~! sounds a bit complicated though!
will try it out for sure, though!
love n hugs


This is the one I use in all the Tarot Fun and Games "hidden object" games.


1)This is the object (I draw this for the game, but you can choose a "significator" card)
2)This is what's above
3)This is what's below
4)This is the general area
5)This is what's beside/near