Spread To Elaborate On Recurring Card


I've been doing a few readings about a friend of mine who I'm a little concerned about (though she says she's fine). And this morning, in all three readings the Hermit card (gay tarot deck) has come up.

Then I just pulled one card for her, and it was The Hermit. I don't really know what to make of it. I'm wondering if anyone knows a good spread to do that is based on one card that keeps popping up, to try to understand better what that one card is trying to say.

Also, if anyone cares to venture a theory I'd appreciate any feedback. For those not familiar with the deck, in the LWB for the Hermit card it states; "To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it. Gaining perspective. Solitude. Study."

Thanks in advance :)


Hi VQ,

Here's another way to look at the Hermit:

examples of the archetypal Hermit:

* Dalai Lama

* Howard Hughes

Possible upright meaning: solitude treasured, inner lessons, sharing with the world, gentle teaching

Possible reversed meaning: loneliness, savior-martyr complex, avoiding relationships and personal interaction

This is a "9" and carries a feeling of the end of a cycle. Now is the time to process all that the Fool has learned so far.

Remember that the Hermit doesn't just go up the mountain - he goes to think, to learn, to listen to his inner voice - not for his own benefit, but so that eventually he may return and share the knowledge that he has gained. Many authors go away to write their books - the world is too noisy - they need to stop the noise so that they can hear themselves think. But the ultimate goal may be to come back and share what they've "heard."

How about a five card reading specifically on the Hermit?




1 - What am I leaving behind?

2 - What do I need to learn right now that I may only learn on my own?

3 - What awaits me at the top of the mountain?

4 - How will I know when it is time to re-enter the world?

5 - How will the new insight(s) I've gained help me as I re-enter the world? And how may I share it with others?

You friend may prefer to focus on the first three cards/questions - most folks who are preoccupied with Hermit energy want to answer those questions first.

I hope that your friend finds the answers she needs. Please let me know if this is helpful in any way.
