Tarot de Paris study - Three of Water


Hello all - figured I would kick things off by choosing a card, reflecting on it and posting my initial observations here before consulting the book.

I chose the Three of Water - partially out of random, partially because it is a "happy" card, and I want to think happy thoughts this morning.

My first reaction is to the colors on the card. What a nice depiction of the sky and the water. The soft violet coloring of the two young girls dancing in the middle is a subtle contrast to the blues in the background. The clouds give the feeling that this could be a dreamscape, further emphasized by the apparent dancing on the water of the girls.

As for the ladies themselves, there is an obvious happiness. The one on the left facing us has a full rapturous smile, while the on the left seems happy but in a more "contented" fashion. As they hover above and behind three pillers (or are they cups of some sort), a couple of questions come to my mind. First, what are the markings on these pillars/cups? They appear to be identical and also seems to bear the smiling face of a cherub - which makes sense in the context of the card.

Also, what is below their feet? I can discern four feet coming from the figures, but what is that in the middle? It looks to me like a bird of some sort. If so, how does it relate to the dove flying above the girls' heads? Perhaps the bird at rest in the water is subconscious vs. the the consciousness of the dove?

The final two figures on the card seem to complete the framework. The young man playing an instrument on the left is standing on one of the clouds. The seemingly grotesque figure on the right is apparently shielding himself from the other participants but seems happy.

All in all, I get a sense of total happiness based on one's individual perceptions. The two women are happy to be in each other's presence - happiness by sharing with another. The musician seems happy to bring his art to others - happiness by sharing ones own gift. The disembodied head seems content to be a bystander - happiness perhaps by living life through someone elses eyes.

I am probably way off track here, but those are very initial feelings.



Three of Water

Your own perceptions are really all that matters but here's a few details to add to the spin:
1. Those are definitely 3 'vases' with flames burning from water (or passion for life).

2. The top left figure is of a Troubador such as those who wandered through Europe in the 12 - 14th centuries dispersing love songs and poems that were embedded with timeless myths and mysticism.

3. The grotesque face is a link to the classical origin of Comedy and the power of laughter to overcome Tragedy.

4. The 'dove. is a dove suggesting a 'release' of spirit from the burdens of the memorized mind.

Yes, basically its all about allowing Joy to fill your heart to the extent that it overflows and touches others as well!



Song's Reply

I'm typing without reading the other posts first, cause I wanna' do my own thing!

Three of Water

A gathering of soul friends.
True joy in the company of others.
Releasing Critical Mind and allowing yourself to
be yourself.
*Pure joy*.
Dancing for joy.
Being a channel for the spirit of joy (letting joy come through you, perhaps to touch others).

Letting your hair down.
Honest, unpretentious celebration.
When women get together they let their hair down, and relax, and have fun (much the way men wish they would behave in the presense of men). There is an air of non-judgement and support....and that is what this card feels like to me.
Freedom to have fun and explore and experiment (sorry folks, I don't mean sexually.) Emotionally!
Take emotional risks among friends.
Allow the spirit of life to flow through you unhampered by the usual barriers we place in its way.

That's all I've got for now.



Oh wow.

jpt I had no idea you're *THE* J. Philip Thomas, creaotr of one of my favorite decks. Oh wow. It's like I'm talking to a celebrity...*is wide-eyed* 0_0

:D :D :D

I echo the other comments. Beautiful, beautiful work.

I keep thinking of this card's astrological association, Mercury in Cancer, for some reason. Expressing the caring and kindness of Cancer to others through speech and social interaction (Mercury).


This is a very pure happiness card. The two girls dance like there is no tomorrow. All is well in the best of world. There is absolutely no worries.