Tarot Deck Personality?


I recently browsed the tarot spread forum for ideas and saw a 3 card spread which showcases our deck's personality. I'm not sure I understand this concept so any thoughts are appreciated.

How is it that our deck's have unique personalities if they are supposed to be reflective of the individual using it? Plus, aren't cards just cards? How can they inherently have personalities? Am I missing something here?


I'm one who believes that art can convey personality. Some of it is uplifting and cheerful (including over-the-top cheeriness that makes me cringe), some is sad/depressing, some of it just leaves a person feeling flat, in and among other things.

Granted that tarot decks most often reflect the views and opinions of the artist, it generates an emotional response in us. In that manner decks have personality so I can see using a spread for a new deck to sort of do a background check on it.

Some believe that each deck has its own energy. I don't disagree with that. And that would also be its personality.

I searched the Spreads forum to see if I could find the spread you had looked at. Any chance you can provide the link?


The reason I believe every deck has its own personality is partly the same as why I view the tarot works in general. All of the images in the deck cause a reaction in us, and some of them are different person by person, and some of them are universal symbols that cause a reaction in all of us: white-pure; flowers-growth; sun-energy.....etc.
These same images done in different ways can evoke feelings and images in us that differ depending on the way they're depicted. Our subconscious reacts to these images and changes the way we look at the deck or ask the deck questions. That's why I feel every deck has a personality, because each deck is so individual.

Yes, cards are just cards, but if the artwork is unique and affects you, you will develop a relationship with it. It will start to speak to you. I tend to think this is just our subconscious imagination helping us out, but it certainly works.
For instance: I recently purchased the Deviant Moon Tarot. For me personally, it's a very fun, but sarcastic deck. Sometimes it will slap me on the face for not realizing something and then laugh at me about it, all in good jest. Is the tarot actually doing this? No. But it's the reaction my subconscious has when I see these particular images represented by a particular artist's personality.

Yes it all comes from us, but our reaction to different artwork can produce different feelings, thoughts. Just as if you were to watch two different movies based on the same book but starring different actors, a different screenwriter, and a different director. Each movie would definitely have a personality all its own!

Sorry if that was rambling, but it's a very abstract concept to explain.


Thanks for the rambling! I'm now beginning to understand the concept in a broader, yet simpler sense now. I love art, especially painting, so I'm a strong believer that each piece of artistic expression has it's own personality. So I see how it's obvious how each individual tarot deck does just that by playing on our own perceptions. Indeed, my decks have personalities, defined in ways described in the previous two posts.

A lesson for me to think more abstractly; open my mind.

Also, the spread(s) I initially referred to can be found under Experimental Techniques and is titled something like "NEW DECK..." After having read and absorbed what the two of you said I returned to the forum with the deck personality spread and reviewed others' recorded interpretations of their own. It was inspiring! Now, I'm planning on doing the 3 card spread tonight with my deck- very much looking forward to it, actually! Thanks for the clarity :)


I'm glad that helped! I truly believe that the more of a relationship you have with your deck, the easier it is to read.
Good luck with getting to know your decks! : )


Sometimes it can be useful, especially in magickal work, to anthropomorphize concepts, ideas and inanimate objects in order to gain a greater connection to them. This isn't to say one believes it has an intelligence, but that for many reasons it is easier to assign human qualities to certain things. So it is with decks, and it is surprising how many users of the same decks tend to see the same qualities in them.

Of course, there are always those who take it a bit too far, saying their deck is angry with them or similar, but that's a whole other ballgame.