Tarot of a Moon Garden - The Magician


This magician has a long white beard, moustache and long hair. He wears a red robe with blue trim and he also wears a tall purple witches hat and the infinity symbol hovers above the brim of his hat. All his tools are on an altar in front of him: the staff, pentacle, cup and sword. In his right hand he holds up high above his head a candle which burns at both ends.

If you look closely, you can see the face of a dragon poking out next to the magician.

Climbing out from the cup is a little tiny unicorn.


Being a D&D fan myself, I really like this card because I seldom see fantasy wizard versions of the Magician. I view the green dragon as being his familiar.


The Dragon

I find that, in this deck, dragons are depictictions of the underlying sinister aspects of the cards. (Ie: 5 of Swords.)
I think the dragon signifies illusions, or what's lurking behind them. Seeing as the magician can represent a con-man of sorts, I believe that there is warning portrayed.
"Be weary of wolves in sheep's clothing"