Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery - The Lovers


Here we have the typical Tarot de Marseilles Lovers card where the man is torned between two women. The man is the same as on the Magician and here he wears the armors and weapons of a knight. He has all his attention and is talking to the woman in his right. That woman is elegant and has manners, she's intelligent, she wears a white dress, symbol of purity, with a laurel wreath. The other woman is not happy with the situation, that she's completely ignored, and that the other woman in white gets all the attention from the man, so she's angry. She's dressed in a pink dress and I get the feeling she picked those flowers on the way while they're walking, and put them in her hair to make herself prettier to try to get his attention, but to no avail. The dog seems to prefer the woman in white as well.

The dog to me means to be loyal to ourselves. To me the woman in pink means the easy way and the woman in white the hard way, and I mean that usually when we choose the easy wrong way, it leads us further away from ourselves and more into troubles, and that the hard right way requires more work but are more in line with who we really are and where we really need to be.


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There appears to be a similar scene in Thor 2, depicting some degree of jealousy beteen Sif and Jane Foster.


The woman in pink here looks very much like Stultitia/The Fool, no?