Tarot Shadow work -Star of Hope


The Star of Hope- this is the final chapter and is about creating a bright future and learning to trust in the higher source the creator within.

Star of Hope Spread

1. Use the Star card and place it in position one which as always is center. Any card that a person feel inspires hope will also work.
2. Top Center-Your Desire -what can I realistically be hopeful about
3. Bottom Right- Your Gifts - What do I need to keep and nature
4. Bottom left- Your Responsibilities –what work still needs to be done
5. Top Right- Your Potential –how will life change as a result of embracing the shadow
6. Top Left-Your Self Completion – How can I shine my star of hope on others


The Spread- First Impressions

The Spread- First Impressions

1- The Star, I always loved this card and generally it is one of the most beautiful Major Arcana in the deck so I am glad this is what the author chose.
2- My desire came up as the- Moon- which is also my denial card from the star of discovery. First impressions are I desire to delve into those mysterious waters instead of being fearful. Embrace the unknown subconscious not be in denial of a fear of the unknown
3- The Gift is the- Hanged Man - my ability to see the world from a different view point and surrender to my higher power, spiritual source, the creator within
4- My Responsibilities card came up as -Judgment – I need to listen to my inner voice and take head of my spiritual source and not try and control everything. In fact I think the one thing all these cards have in common is lack of control
5- My Potential came up as the- Tower- I will learn to let go of past hurts, outdated modes of living and thinking even put past events where they belong.
6- Self-Completion is the-- High Priestess -- there is a saying in 12 step recovery “ this is a program of attraction not promotion’” and “ the message is hope the promise is freedom” I think I have to be the better person and live a better way so it can give other people hope that they can get over past hurts and addictions and move on and have a really awesome life.
I will be reading the definitions and meditation on these cards for a few days . then I will work on some of the other exercises .


The rest of the book is about making a treasure box, re decorating my alter, and planning out my success.

I can honestly say this is a life changing event for me and if a person honestly works this and puts in the time amazing things can happen.

This experience is unique for everyone it all depends on dedication and a willingness to trust in a higher power but I am a lot better now then when I first started .