tarot spread to find a missing person


does anyone know if there is a spread that could be used to do this?
so if a cat went missing or a person was would it be possible to use a spread that would make the location easier?


any ideas?



It's very difficult to draw a card for this.
The outcomes are usually very vague.
But you might do it with one card.
Ask where are you … (name of your cat).
But the outcome can be unclear at times but I hope it works and you do find you cat.

The best of luck and love and light.


Cat came back a little disheveled and unhappy but, she'd been hiding from the fireworks and decided she needed somewhere quieter a neighbour found her upstairs hiding under the kids bed!
she's back home sleeping under the settee now.sighs.



I'm glad she's back home and no spread was needed.


snowy25 said:
It's very difficult to draw a card for this.
The outcomes are usually very vague.
But you might do it with one card.
Ask where are you … (name of your cat).
But the outcome can be unclear at times but I hope it works and you do find you cat.

The best of luck and love and light.

Heh. Yeah, you bet... I have a friend whose dog went missing, I just drew a card asking where her dog was and got "The World."

I suppose it means at least he's not dead...

Glass Owl

While I'm glad that your situation was resolved, I thought I should mention (just in case someone reads this thread and is in need of this information) that there was another thread where someone asked for missing person spread.

It is at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=2115

That thread contains Thirteen's World spread which is an awesome spread.

Thirteen's World Spread

Use the World Card as your guide. Put a card at the center to stand for your missing person (a court card you feel is them in a nutshell). Then lay out the cards as follows:


#1 is Scorpio--where are they at emotionally, psychologically? Angry? Sad? Numb?

#2 is Leo--who is with them? Among friends? Enemies? Strangers? Family?

#3 is Taurus--what is their physical location? Where on the planet are they standing? Or are they on the move?

#4 is Aquarius--where are the planning to go? Do?

And then add a 5th card to cross the one at the center. Let that one be "Advise?" (i.e, should you keep searching? Call? Worry? Relax?)


I tried this new spread on friend's dog... the first 2 cards gave sensible answers (1 was IX of Swords, 2 was Page of Wands) but the final two (reversed Knight of Wands, reversed Knight of Swords) didn't make as much sense. Other ways to interpret this -- either the cards or the meaning of the place in the spread?

I tried redoing the spread and got reversed Fool, Strength, reversed Moon, and reversed Tower the next time.

I do kind of think my friend may be right in her theory that someone has taken the dog in, and either doesn't want to give him back or otherwise doesn't seem to know he's being looked for... the second places getting Page of Wands and then the Strength (with its picture in the RW deck of a girl taking care of a lion) suggest that.

Oh, and the 5th card -- got Ace of Wands and The Lovers, respectively


Please explain.


Could you please explain to me what you mean by saying "Use the world card as your guide"? I'd be thankful if you would. I've a friend who cannot find her real mother, and I'm trying to help her out. She's devastated by it. I'd be highly thankful if you could also explain it in layman's words.

Thanking you,


Glass Owl

Tarotingineer said:

Could you please explain to me what you mean by saying "Use the world card as your guide"? I'd be thankful if you would. I've a friend who cannot find her real mother, and I'm trying to help her out. She's devastated by it. I'd be highly thankful if you could also explain it in layman's words.

Thanking you,

You may have better luck with your question if you ask it in the thread where Thirteen's World spread was mentioned. That thread also explains a bit more about that spread and how it can be used.

Since you mentioned that you are using the spread for an adoptee/child with absent parent, you may find these spreads (and the included discussions) useful.

Dangerdork's Separation/Reunion Spread

Huge Adoption Spread

Adoption Triangle Spread

Find A Long-Lost Someone Spread

How Someone Is Spread

Stregaverde's Problem Person Spread (may help your friend better understand her mother's situation)

Parent/Child/Family Spread


Hey, thanks a lot. They've been really helpful :p