tarot un-friendly person destroys little white book...

stormy cloud

please help me... i have a very catholic friend who destroyed the book to my Dragon deck... i still have the cards but havent yet gotten all the meanings memorized. is there any way that i can find out the meanings to each card?? please help. thank you.


Quote:stormy cloud (03 Oct, 2001 07:18):
please help me... i have a very catholic friend who destroyed the book to my Dragon deck... i still have the cards but havent yet gotten all the meanings memorized. is there any way that i can find out the meanings to each card?? please help. thank you.

It doesn't sound to me like she's a friend at all, and I think you should tell her as much, and end the friendship. A *friend* lets friends decide their own spirituality. Tell her she's given Catholics a bad name by doing this, and you might also remind her that God gave everyone free choice and if she takes that away from anyone she negates whatever spiritual choice. Forcing someone to chose a God means that it doesn't come from the heart, and so means nothing.

Sorry. But this pisses me off.

Okay. I assume you're talking about the tiny white book that comes with most decks? Those are pretty generic. I think if you haven't already, go up to "Trading decks" and leave this message. Someone surely can provide you with the little white book from a dragon deck. I'd do so, but I don't have mine any long. I'll search a round just in case.

If you have questions on any of the cards, just let us know. I'm sure we can give you good interpetations even if they're not exactly what's in the white book. Let us know what we can do to mend this.


I have to say, I agree with Thirteen. It was highly arrogant of your friend to believe she/he knows more about your spiritual welfare, then you do. Confrontation may be in order to let him/her know your boundaries.
I do have the dragon tarot book. You can email me at denisski@yahoo.com for the meanings/interpretations you are missing.


Goddess- what an imbecile!

Stop calling her a friend, tell her so, and put her behind you. If she starts ripping up your books, who knows what else she will do to you or your property.


stormy cloud (03 Oct, 2001 07:18):[/b]
please help me... i have a very catholic friend who destroyed the book to my Dragon deck... i still have the cards but havent yet gotten all the meanings memorized. is there any way that i can find out the meanings to each card?? lease help. thank you.[/quote]

Stormy cloud,

I was going to rant an rave, but my computer crashed..so here it is in short.

learntarot.com has the card meanings in grid form you can print out. I keep the grid with my decks for quick refference. The meanings are for upright positions. I believe that when a card lands in reverse, the energy is blocked..and you need to work to achieve the upright meaning.

As a Christian with devout Christian friends and family members I am appauled by your friends actions. Your friend has no right to judge something she doesn't want to understand or falls out of her little box of beliefs. My friends and family accept me and what I do, they just ask me not to read for them.



friend = someone who has respect for your property and your beliefs. I need not say anymore about this. I'm sorry but ppl like that piss me off.
My mom's very Catholic but she's been a cartomancer for a very long time.


I would tell your "friend" that real friends respect other people and their property
whether or not they believe in it. Also that you work very hard for the items that
you own and since she destroyed yours (I would) give her a receipt for a
replacement (and tell her) as a good christian I am sure you would want to do the
right christian thing as well as the friendly thing and replace the item that she
destroyed. After this I would tell her (whether see pays for the new one or not)
that you respect all people regardless of race, sex, or personal beliefs and since it
is obvious that she does not that you do not wish to associate with such a closed
minded individual!

People like her really piss me off :)


Stormy Cloud - your 'friend' may claim to be very catholic, but her actions of destroying your lwb shows that she is very insecure in her faith.

I'm glad that deso offered to help you.


These people are the reasons we need to bring back the different rites in the Church and begin forming new ones.


Oh Brother!
"Big Brother", that is. It galls me that your friend would do this to your property. I do understand, however, that some people think they are "saving the person from themself..." or some other self righteous, crusading nonsense. I was raised Catholic. I am a Witch now. I've gone to church when occaison called for it, and by golly, the church didn't fall down on me. I did NOT get struck by lightning, the Priest didn't asperge me with holy water, and the organist didn't instantly break into 'Carmina Burana'. This attitude held by your friend is unfortunately sanctioned by conventional religion. My advice, for whatever it's worth, is this...If she has some other redeeming qualities upon which you base your friendship, I would concentrate on those. Leave any metaphysical aspects of your life OUT of all future conversations, and tell her that if she ever oversteps the boundaries of friendship by destroying any more of your stuff she's NO friend, goodbye. I'm glad you will be able to replace the missing information, there are such nice people in here. Good luck!