Temperence+5 of cups



I recently got this combo the Temperence on what i should do or advice and the 5 of cups as the outcome. I wonder if other readers had this combo. If you had this combo how did things turn out for you ?

The reading was about a female co-worker at work who i really like. I'm an introvert. I don't speak much don't go out much. She really went out of her way to talk to me. She listened to me and i listened to her. I really felt like a human being. I mean i felt very much alive for a short time. The fact she has a boyfriend really hurt me but what is really hurting me is that this is a summer job. Soon we will be separated. I would have wanted to keep her in my life as a friend. She is just really outgoing, talk to everybody,polite, go to the bars. Also a little aggresive personality. She helped me get out of my shell.

Back to the reading. Temprerence take things slow, don't go overboard. Try to get closer to her as a friend ? tell her how i feel ?

5 of cups. It's over but maybe there will be something left. She won't burn the bridge down.

What happened in the day after i did this reading is that she talked to me about her money issues. She did talk to me. Maybe i should just enjoy the time i have left with her. Back to my depressing music


Moderator Note

Hi bast, was this a 2 card reading or 2 cards from a larger reading?


Hi rwcarter.

It was a 3 card reading. What i need to know right now, what i need to do right now and where is it headed


The five of cups here is pretty telling, it's a card of basic disappointment. Your expectations won't be fulfilled here. Temperance is usually about mixing two different ideals, you can draw two more cards to find out what they are. On a basic level it's about tossing around idea's or feelings in order to come to a happy medium rather than extremes.


thank you so much absynthe for your replie. What do you mean mixing two different ideals ? Tossing around idea and feelings ? So i should ask if we could meet sometime somewhere in a friendly manner ?

How do i ask the tarot ? What are the two different ideals i need to mix for this friendship to pogress ?


Moderator Note

Hi bast,

Please check your PMs.


Hi rwcarter.

I just replied to your pm.