The ArchAndroid Spread - Facing Your Problems



If you’ve never heard of Janelle Monae, you should defiantly check her out. In her presently unfinished album series “Metropolis” she tells the story of revolutionary droid from the future named Cyndi Mayweather, who is constantly on the run from the police. It is revealed that Cydni is actually The ArchAndroid; a sort of messiah figure that is destined to free the downtrodden droids of the future.

While listening to her music, I was inspired to create a Tarot spread that dealt with an issue Cyndi was facing: Running away from that which threatens you. As you can see below, I based the layout of the spread on the crown Monae wears on her album cover, The ArchAndroid.


The meanings are as follows:
1. What Are You Running From?: Details what the seeker is currently “on the run” from, or what they are not facing in their lives.
2. Why Are You Running From It?: Details why the seeker cannot face the situation, and why they choose to run or hide from it.
3. How Can You Face This Issue?: Advice on how the seeker can face the problem head-on. How they can take a position in the situation that is proactive.
4. What Will You Have To Do?: Tells what the seeker’s actions must be to end the situation in their favor.
5. The ArchAndroid or The Savior: This is sort of like a “hidden power” card. It tells of a now-hidden strength, person, or quality that will help the seeker end the situation in their favor.
6. Outcome: What the outcome of the situation will be, based on current conditions.

Thoughts? Comments?


I haven't actually tried the spread yet, but I just wanted to say that I'm so excited by the concept! I absolutely love Janelle Monae!

To actually talk about the spread, though, I'm a little concerned about spots 3 and 4. I don't see how those are two different things. Maybe I'm just misreading it?


I haven't actually tried the spread yet, but I just wanted to say that I'm so excited by the concept! I absolutely love Janelle Monae!

To actually talk about the spread, though, I'm a little concerned about spots 3 and 4. I don't see how those are two different things. Maybe I'm just misreading it?

Thanks for the feedback!

In my view, facing something you have been running away from is a two-step process. First, you have to stop running and come to terms with the reality of the situation, accept the facts, etc. This is what card 3 deals with. The next step is taking actions to change your situation, and this is what card deals with. Card 3 is just a sort of "coming to terms" kind of thing, no actions included. The number 3 card will tell the seeker how they can come to terms with reality. Number 4 tells them the actions they can take afterwords.