The Final Rites of AnnonyMouse


I have Grizabella's permission to post this as it is a 10 of Wands burden on her loving soul.

For new members, annonymouse was a gifting of decks when someone was down. It was started by Grizabella and later funded with dollars and donated decks by many here.

Now, as adults, if we see someone hurting we can ask for their address ourselves, and donate as we see fit.
In Griz's own words in two separate PMs. You can feel her anguish leaping off the pages:

when I was wondering where I was going to live and being so unsettled for awhile, I had my grandkids put some things in storage for me that I didn't need to have with me right then, but they put the wrong stuff in storage one day when I was gone and I lost the storage unit with almost my whole collection. I feel bad about that but the thing I'll never forgive myself for is that the whole Nonny Mouse lot was lost. Cash box and all! There's a crooked woman here who tells people they get the first month free and then she overlocks it before the person can pay. I paid $300 once to get the overlock off, but she did it again when I couldn't get the payment in on the 1st when I moved out of town and she then said it was $25 A DAY late fee when I couldn't find a way to get the money to her right away. I just couldn't do that again and I tried to borrow the money from one of my cousins, but couldn't so I had to let it just go. I'll never, ever feel good about my own stupidity and my not checking that they were taking the right stuff to storage.
Yes, you can feel free to share. You were the very first person who flew to my mind when I realized I'd lost it all. I lost my special things, too, but the Nonny Mouse things were entrusted to me especially and up to that point, had gone everywhere with me. I told you that once----I always kept that stuff with me so it was safe. And I thought I still had it till I moved and was going through the lockers to put things away and realized the kids had put the wrong lockers and bins into that storage unit. I can live with only having one bra and one pair of panties to wash in the sink every night and just using the few decks I have left, but Nonny Mouse was SO special to me and I was so proud of the good it did! I couldn't easily always send out packages but at least I could when I could do it. I feel so terrible about it and I blame myself for not double checking but I had gone to the doctor the day they moved the stuff to the storage unit and then I didn't know till it was too late. My blood ran cold when I realized what had happened. I still grieve that. I think I always will because I know I didn't cause it, but my god----even the money that I had so carefully kept separate from my own in a cash box was in there!

Well, you can share that if you want to. I didn't ever want to tell anyone. But I can't live with it hanging over me so it's best that it's known.


Thanks AJ for posting that. I wish she had told us before, but, water under the bridge. We closed down the Nonny Mouse exchange because too many questions and doubts were being raised.

Honestly, at this point it is past history. If members want to get involved, that is of course their personal choice but because of the past, it will have to happen off forum.

AJ, I do understand the generosity of spirit that caused you to ask and hats off to Grizabella for being so honest. But I think this is played out.

Kindest regards to you both (and other involved over the past years)

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