The Meaningful Separation (3 card spread)


I came up with this exceedingly simple 3-card spread tonight after receiving a vague email from a dear friend that mentioned trying to take care of the mind in case of a "meaningful separation."

I'm not sure if it could be helpful to others, and I realize with the simplicity, it could very well resemble something that already exists, but I personally found the layout very insightful and thought I'd share anyway.


1 & 3 - what two things are being/will be separated; this can also represent two people, and if it does seem to, it could represent the aspects of those individuals in relation to either the meaning that exists between them, the reasons for the separation or possibly both.

2 - the meaning that passed between 1 & 3 in relation to the separation; this is the thing of value that is being (or is feared will be) lost due to the separation

You can also read the shadow card to get an idea of the circumstances that are surrounding the real or feared separation.

Hope it's helpful!