The Ties That Bind - Relationship Spread


Hi all,

I tried this out a little while ago and it worked really well so I thought I'd post it and get some feedback from others if they try it out.


1,3,5 are the cards representing you towards the other person.
2,4,6 are the cards representing the other person towards you.

These cards work in a head (intellectual), heart (emotional) and, *cough* sexual (physical) bond manner.

Cards 7,8,9 are the bonds connecting you two together. Past life, current life and the soul bond binding you together throughout all lives.

That is:

1: What you think of the other person.
2: What the other person thinks of you.
3: How you feel about the other person.
4: How the other person feels about you.
5: The sexual/physical attraction you have towards the other person.
6: The sexual/physical attraction the other person has towards you.
7: The past bond between you and the other person.
8: The current bond between you and the other person.
9: The soul bond between you and the other person.

Hope it can come in handy!


Ooooh, I'm going to do this now! Looks great :)

EDIT: Just did it, it's brilliant! Got some fantastic answers from it. My only problem was reading the soul bond card, other than that it was crystal clear!


I just did this spread on an ex with some suprising results!!



I like this spread, I'm going to try it! Thanks for posting. :)


Thanks everyone for the feedback. Glad you find it useful!


Ooooh, I'm rarely interested in relationship spreads, but this one seems so tidy and spiffy.
It's fairly straightforward, and I love, love, love the three different bonds for positions 7 through 9. :heart:

I might try this later on today or tomorrow!

Great job! :cool2: