the world - ending or beginning


i was in two minds on another thread giving my opinion on this as advice in a relationship spread - actually it came up in two threads - one was as advice card and the other was about whether somone had moved on

i decided it probably means completion, ending but i had this thought at the back of my mind that kept niggling away - could it mean starting a new phase in the same relationship? (wouldnt that be the wheel?) or does it literally mean you can go no further, both parties have taken all they can from the relationship, its truly run its course and its time go to a new place with what has been learnt

any thoughts please


Completion, within a relationship, does not necessarily mean the relationship is over. It means a certain phase of it is complete and fulfilled. It can mean that it is over, or it can mean something else. At the same time, it heralds a beginning.

For example:

You and your partner decide to have a first baby. The day the baby is born is the fulfillment of one part of your relationship. Also, the days when you were just two and able to do it all over the house in peace, and sleep all night, and go out when you wanted are over. That part of your relationship is ended. You are now parents as well as husband and wife. But it is, of course, a new beginning...

Even a divorce does not necessarily mean the relationship ends. If you have young children together, it would mean - your relationship as husband and wife is over, now you are moving into a new phase of relating as separated parents.

It is a culmination and a fulfillment - what kind of culmination will be decided by the other cards. For example, I was asked by a friend here about her marriage, which is in trouble. I drew The World, and then asked what it meant in that instance, and drew Death. I think the marriage is heading for a separation. But, because they have a young child together, the relationship will not be totally ended. It will be a new beginning - after the death of the marriage.


Fudugazi said:
For example:

You and your partner decide to have a first baby. The day the baby is born is the fulfillment of one part of your relationship. Also, the days when you were just two and able to do it all over the house in peace, and sleep all night, and go out when you wanted are over. That part of your relationship is ended. You are now parents as well as husband and wife. But it is, of course, a new beginning...

ha! I remember it well and you dont get enough warning LOL - no one tells you

thanks for the great explanations - i feel i understand it a bit better now - i can safely say something like you have reached a major milestone in life - its a time you will remember as a turning point and a new beginning awaits you , a new goal,a new purpose, new status, a new future

i keep forgetting about using clarifiers - they are so much help to decide on the preciser meaning inn any given context
thanks sophie :)