Three of Cups as how others see you


I did a Celtic Cross spread inquiring about my love life and what's going on in that department. The reading was pretty clear to me except Three of Cups in the "how others see you in this situation"

Does this mean that in my love life, others see me as more of a friend and a good time, not serious dating material?

I used the Lover's Path tarot deck.


I did a Celtic Cross spread inquiring about my love life and what's going on in that department. The reading was pretty clear to me except Three of Cups in the "how others see you in this situation"

Does this mean that in my love life, others see me as more of a friend and a good time, not serious dating material?

I used the Lover's Path tarot deck.

three of cups to me means someone who likes to socialize... someone who likes to be around others and be with friends. They enjoy being in social groups.

It's not a bad thing for how others see you in this situation.

Alternatively it could mean people might think you are not ready to commit and are still liking to have a lot of freedom and playing the field.

Another meaning i found to mean is open-relationships and polyamorous type of relationships.

Would matter on the other cards.. but if all the other cards are good and not indicating the other alternative meanings.. i see it as just someone who has many friends and loves to socialize.


I did a Celtic Cross spread inquiring about my love life and what's going on in that department. The reading was pretty clear to me except Three of Cups in the "how others see you in this situation"

Does this mean that in my love life, others see me as more of a friend and a good time, not serious dating material?

I used the Lover's Path tarot deck.

3 of cups is always a fun card. I think it also depends on the other cards to form an understanding. but if this came up in the how others see you.. it could be that they see you as someone who wants to have fun and is light hearted. On the negative side, they might think you lack seriousness and commitment in a relationship. so they might think you are not looking for a long term bond. does it make sense?


In short, I would say this indicates someone that is a pleasure to be around.


3 of Cups

Someone easy and equal to you without compromisses.

Party monster kind of person.

Love triangle.

Funny friend. Durnkie sometimes...