tower and 2 of cups


Hello all!

Looking for insight on the Tower followed by 2 of cups.

in a reading the tower and 2 of cups landed together as a current state of a relationship. My first instinct was, "this is that love you said you wanted and neither of you were prepared for and it's tearing down these's happening NOW, don't bother to get ready you can't prepare and there's no time, this is a love that is changing you, when the ash clears it will be all good"

The Tower isn't necessarily a negative card for me, generally signifies BIG changes that I couldn't have predicted and have zero control over. One of those things that nothing could have prepared me for, the type of change that shakes everything I thought I knew's a karmic shift card...where the change, needed/had to happen, and is in progress and I'm rolling with it.

Sometimes this has meant painful heartbreaking change(but for the better) and other times has meant growing pains, not hurtful as much as uncomfortable.

RX TOWER is a different story, that has always meant hanging on to negative situations and making a shift that is going to happen whether I like it or not more difficult because of my refusal to accept change. Always heartbreaking change that I was in denial about.

2 of cups has been a mixed card for me depending on what was around it...was surprised that I had no feelings about this paring being negative, my first instinct hasn't shifted.


I had the Tower and Two of Cups in a reading recently, and unfortunately, it did not turn out well for me. Basically, I had a shocking change in a friendship-turned-dating type of situation with a guy who was hiding another woman from me. Our friendship ended with the Tower since I could no longer trust him, and the two of cups meant that he and the other woman became a couple.

Hopefully you are reading this on a stronger relationship, as I have heard some couples do survive the Tower experience and form a better bond.


Something will happen to shake the relationship to the core. Whether the relationship survives or not, it will change. The two of cups for me softens the blow of the Tower and confirms it is about the relationship ship. Be prepared, something is coming. Change can be unexpected news/information about the partner/relationship. For me the Tower is normally something that is not comfortable, it tears down all that you believed was reality, and you start from scratch.


One traditional way of looking at Trump cards is that they all represent "BIG changes that I couldn't have predicted and have zero control over." (That is they can't be avoided or significantly deflected, so they must be adapted to in some way to get the most out of them.) The Tower is just, let's say, more "emphatic" than most of the others. Call it change that "brooks no delay." I usually see it as a positive only when something is seriously out-of-whack and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, kind of like a "slash-and-burn" approach to planting crops. In a "2 of Cups" relationship it could mean being stripped of all illusions about what one is getting into. It might be a big gulp of cold water to swallow at the very start of what should be a warm, happy experience. Like hearing "I love you, and, oh by the way, I'm impotent!"


Barleywine said:
... It might be a big gulp of cold water to swallow at the very start of what should be a warm, happy experience. Like hearing "I love you, and, oh by the way, I'm impotent!"
I like the way you put this. I might characterize the pair this way:

The combination Tower/2 of Cups makes me think that the big change you might be expecting or looking for may just continue lingering beneath the surface, fomenting continued desire--but never actually coming to any real kind of fruition. For the time being, anyway.

i.e. Sexual tension may be the ongoing status quo for the relationship, but perhaps no consummation anytime soon, as each of these cards tends to pull in a different direction.


Looking for insight on the Tower followed by 2 of cups.

in a reading the tower and 2 of cups landed together as a current state of a relationship. My first instinct was, "this is that love you said you wanted and neither of you were prepared for and it's tearing down these's happening NOW, don't bother to get ready you can't prepare and there's no time, this is a love that is changing you, when the ash clears it will be all good"
was surprised that I had no feelings about this paring being negative, my first instinct hasn't shifted.

So go with it. Each card can say many different things, and it is out gut feeling, our intuition, that tells us how to read it. When you have a feeling like that about a card, THAT's intuition, not looking at the picture and making a story. :)

And don't be surprised - be grateful your intuition has started working well. Welcome it, and it will raise its head more often.