Trying to identify...

Raven Wintermoon

So my daughter ran a cross a deck a few days ago and we are trying to figure out which deck it is. I wish I had more information on it, but I will do my best...

It's Faery themed
It has a green back with a pentacle on it, possibly off-centre.

That's it, that's all I've got. She found it in a shop downtown. I would just call the shop, but she doesn't know the name of it, and she can't just show me, as I'm not going to be down that way for a while. I would like to try to find out which deck it is, so I can check it out before committing to buy it or have her pick it up. I'm a collector as well as reader :)


It wasn't in a box with its name printed on it? A mystery-deck!

A green back with a pentacle on it sounds familiar - I think I might have it. Not sure what it is, though, and right now I don't have time to unwrap stacks of decks and check.

If I have it, it's obviously superior and desirable. <grin>

Raven Wintermoon

It wasn't in a box with its name printed on it? A mystery-deck!

A green back with a pentacle on it sounds familiar - I think I might have it. Not sure what it is, though, and right now I don't have time to unwrap stacks of decks and check.

If I have it, it's obviously superior and desirable. <grin>

Lol. She said it was in a black box. And she's 16 so she doesn't really pay much attention to detail, lol. Honestly it's driving me batty. I've tried googling it every which way I could, but of course google isn't in the mood to spit out the answer without a whole lot of useless info first. Although, I did see a few decks I like and must add to my wish list :)

I'm wondering if she was wrong about the Faery theme, but I really don't know, I wasn't there or this wouldn't be happening :)

Glass Owl

Could it be possible that it isn't a Tarot deck but an Oracle deck? If so, maybe it is the Oracle of the Dragonfae or the Woodland Wisdom Oracle Cards (you can see the back featured in this image.)

Raven Wintermoon

I sent her the link, thanks! I'm hoping this is correct.

Raven Wintermoon

Hi Glass Owl. Thanks for the links. I sent them to my daughter and she identified the deck as the Woodland Wisdom. Thanks again, so much.