Turquoise article


Thought some might find this interesting.

The Summer Of Turquoise

Author: Jessy Chahine Source: The Daily Star (Lebanon)


Legend has it that over the millennia of its use, turquoise - one of the oldest semi-precious stones known to mankind - was reserved for the gods. It was not, it was said, worn by mere mortals.

Just recently, however, both the color turquoise and the gemstone itself are enjoying a fashion boom that is seeing women stampede to the shops in search of the perfect blue gem.

Enjoying a special place in Arab culture as the stone that wards off the evil eye and the stone that brings good luck, turquoise's connotations and uses have mystified and entranced its wearers for thousands of years. Gypsies, for example, were renowned for wearing turquoise to enchant the unsuspecting traveler, and the queens of ancient Egypt wore scarabs of turquoise for good luck. The legends are endless.

The history of the gem, however, is a global one and dates back further than anyone can imagine.

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