Universal Fantasy - The High Priestess


The High Priestess is another beautiful card in the deck. The Priestess is floating above the ground, very high in the sky, which means she can see the bigger picture, but she is also inclined to ignore the little 'mundane' details. Her face is partially hidden under a large headdress, so she doesn't see with her eyes, anyway.

The whole image hints at the idea of duality and opposites, only instead of the traditional 'Sun' and 'Moon' pillars we have two mask-like faces below the woman's arms. They have some sort of anchor-style bases, and they seem to be keeping her floating throne together. That's interesting that the faces actually look like masks - because for the Priestess, there's nothing essentially 'bad' or 'good'. Those are just two sides of the same world, like an open hand and a closed fist. They are two, and they're ready to firmly 'anchor' into the ground, but as they progress upwards on her dress, they unite and merge into one, holding the Priestess attached to her throne.


this card slightly confuses me. She is floating high above the land, but if you cover the bottom half of the card it look like she's in a building. What kind of structure is she in?

@dancing_moon I like your observation that she doesn't see with her eyes. Especially because this card is all about inner intuition and such.