Using Crystals for dream channeling


Crystals can act as a central focus point of the mind for the subcon. I use a Elemental combo Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Spirit to create a channeling, grounding, and awakening in dreams.

The reason why I started to use the Elements is chanting became part of the subcon. I could focus on the Elements and use the Crystals to awaken my mind in the dream. The more I put into Rituals related to the Crystals the more powerful the awaken mind in the dream state became.

The Crystals can also be used as a tool to project out of the dream realm. Astral Projection is possible through the dream realm. It's all about how lucid you are willing to allow yourself with the use of Crystals as a focus point to awaken yourself into the dream realm.


For years I had large crystals around my bed. They held my body safe and secure--the feeling I had--while I went out goofing around. Crystals are great dream companions!

Interesting how as you place more focus with rituals, the stones help open your dreaming more. The stones watch for our intention and permission each step of the way. They watch our thoughts, feelings and actions rather than our words. Humans say a lot of things, don't we?

One time my stones saved me from possible injury when I went to sleep while working with Kundalini energy. One stone made sure I didn't intend self harm in a dream, then instantly the others began using elemental energies to cool and balance my body. I was sure glad to have my stone buddies with me. I had been out goofing around while my body was burning up.


For those that want to know how to ground yourself with Crystals and Elemental here you go. Take the Crystal and hold it near you. Focus the energy around you and direct it into the Crystals as if the Crystals itself was a Seed. Take that Crystal and picture roots forming around you and the Crystal. Use the Roots to direct negative energy towards the ground. The roots can form a shield around you as well to redirect energy to the places you need it.