Victorian Romantic : Page of Cups


Baba gives the source for this card as an Italian painting titled "Devotion".

The musical instrument being played, she says is a harpsichord. It looks vaguely organ-like to me - is that not a row of organ pipes?

I also have a curiosity to know if anyone has any information regarding the musician's head-dress. Is that a typical medieval head-dress - does it have two cones? is it made of lace? or is it a fanciful thing.

I am very interested in the lady in blue at the organ/harpichord.


Looks like the instrument is a portative organ--much smaller than the typical ones found in large halls! My baroque music mentor has one of these, and used it to great effect on a concert in a church with no organ.

The portative organ was originally used in the medieval and renaissance periods, and the general tone of the costumes appears medieval. That hat resembles the hennin (stereotypical medieval lady's cone-shaped hat). I also love the "page-boy" haircut.

I think the setting adds a hint of courtly love to the meaning of this card. The page seems entranced by the lady's earnest music-making. She, however, doesn't seem to notice his existence. Should he offer her the cup? and perhaps his love? he seems to be asking the onlooker. Or should he leave her in peace and not ruin the idyllic scene? Perhaps it is best, because of his youth, that he cherish her from a distance and limit his feelings to a wistful fondness.

This is one of my favorite cards, and, I think, baba's too.